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Help! brother arrested for attempted rape, what happens next?

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  • Help! brother arrested for attempted rape, what happens next?

    Please help, I'm writing on behalf of my brother whos life is being made a living hell by his ex mother in-law.

    Before Christmas she made the accusation that my brother attempted to rape her over 2 years ago, during a family feud. She contacted the police whilst highly intoxicated (she is an alcoholic), who followed up this claim with my brother the next day with an informal interview at home. We hadn't heard anything from the police, and assumed it was done with but this week they came to arrest him.

    My brother was taken by one police woman who phoned ahead to let him know she was coming. He was put into a cell for 2 hours and then interviewed for 20mins. No statement was requested and he was released without charge then driven home. He did request a solicitor but only spoke with him over the phone at the police station. Since then we have discovered the police have taken statements from my brothers ex wife and her family, who were all present when this is said to take place.
    (some are backing her story and some are backing my brother!)

    To give you some back ground info, this is not the first accusation to be made by this woman against my family. She has previously accused my father and brother of being child molestors, my brother of breaking into her house and of vandalising her car, although this is the first time she has gone to the police. We have always put it down to a ravings of a mad woman, and kept our distance but she has taken it too far and is destroying my brothers reputation in a small village.

    What should happen next with regards to police and what actions can be taken to stop her making these devastating accusations? My family will be grateful of any help.


    P.s she has now said this happened 4yrs ago. At the time my brother and his wife were very happy.

  • #2
    This sounds a nightmare scenario arising from family disagreements; presumably the motive for the accusation is the breakdown of the relationship between your brother and his wife.

    Difficult to know what to do, the police must follow up any such allegations with an arrest and interview but do take some comfort in that he hasn't been charged (as she hadn't made any of the previous allegations to the police they have taken this one at face value)

    Unfortunately all you can do at present is to wait for the police to weigh up the conflicting statements from family members.
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'

