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Falsely accused of Gay underage rape 8 years ago - arrested this week - need help

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  • #16
    Hi - thanks again

    Yes your correct lad 'A' was the guy i had consensual sex with- and as i had understood now, knowing he was underage - even though i belived his to be of legal age - this would be classed as rape - i know he was meeting other older men at the time - but of course that will be impossible for me to prove!


    • #17
      UPDATE - witch hunt?

      The nightmare continues! Since the original arrest I have been re-arrested twice. Once on an allegation that I had interferred with the witness (victim) and once for kidnap - as you can imagine I was horrified. The issues with the interferrence is that the victim has indeed had his house set fire to 3 times, twice howver before he accused me and the third time about 4 weeks ago. They arrested me, interviewed me but had no evidence whatsoever. My sol said it was an excuse to speak to me again, try and ask for alibis as an excuse to interview any family or friends of mine for the original accusation. The Kidnap related to an issue 2 years ago when I reported a stranger to the police for acting suspiciously near a busy road - he jumped out on the road etc I double backed in the car to see what he was doing - pulled in to a layby a little distance from him and phoned police - he must have thought I was also acting strange and called someone who appears in a car pulled up next to mine got out and kicked my car - I drove off and phoned the poliec he chased me. Luckily I phoned the police while driving and they stayed on the line - i got to police station - the polioce cam eout spoke with this guy and the driver seperate to me it was agreed it was a misunderstanding and we all went off our seperate ways.

      Of course the police took this as an oportunity to go re-interview the guy - who of course has elaborated says I stopped and spoke to him - as he was on a round about I am not sure how I could have done that! anyway again another excuse to interview me and to add kidnap on the charge sheet.

      I am still on bail - was initially 6 months beccause of computer forensics - however I think the police now have the computers back as one of the guys I share a house with has had his stuff back.

      Anyway - I am seeing my solisitor on Friday but i am now petrified that the police will come back again to arrest me - this is going on and on. The duty solititor says it feels like a witch hunt - and I of course agree - it seems that the original arrest has poor evidence and that they are trying to pin as much on me as possible - throwing as much muck until something sticks!

      Anyone else had this happen to them? Any other suggestions?


      • #18
        I'm sorry to hear of the trauma your experiencing your in the right place that's for sure
        I have very little advice and only know basic knowledge due to supporting my step dad with his case.
        You say your employed by the NHS, what is your position?, I only ask because if you are a nurse or doctor your likely to have to answer to the NMC or GMC usually in a London court to discuss your 'suitability' to continue your role. If this is the case remember these people are not there to support you they are there to 'protect' the public. PLEASE make sure you attend and have a specialized sol who understands medicine and the NHS system (your boss should be able to get you names and numbers, if not contact your union they normally give some advice for free) In my experience the NMC/GMC and quick to suspend and dismiss despite the fact the plod are still 'investigating'.
        When you attend you work meeting request they put you forward to see a councilor
        i hope this helps, if you require any further info, I'll try and help in any way i can, good luck


        • #19
          Thank You

          I am a registered nurse although not practicing as I am now and have been for over 10 years and NHS manager. You raise a good point. I decided just after this had happened to terminate my registratiion. It was due for renewal this month anyway and as I have been unable to keep up the necessary number of practise hours was something I was planning to do anyway - but again many thanks for your message.

