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Worst New Year Ever

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  • #16
    Oh that's brilliant news. Hope she is done with wasting police time. It seems that Tony's accuser won't be done as she is mentally ill (she has Borderline Personality Disorder). I am disgusted in this as I'm sure I wouldn't get away with robbing Lloyds bank with a similar excuse!

    Hope you can put all this behind you, but you might find that you get a bit low with the injustice of it all and how frightened you were with such a horrible accusation being levelled at you. However, your Accuser being prosecuted would probably help!

    Kind regards,
    False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


    • #17
      Good news

      So pleased for you, i know kermit would send his best wishes if he could. Hopefully this woman will be charged for her sick allegation. We both wish u all the best. tc x


      • #18
        Hi Folks well its been 2 weeks since i had my first interview with the police and i thought i would give a wee update

        I gotta admit the last 2 weeks have been fantastic i was walking tall again and getting on with my life but today im just worried what will happen when the police call me, IF they call me, i've been reading other peoples threads and i think im quite lucky how the police released me straight away after my interview, with no bail and no charges brought against me. i have heard from one of the witnesses who stated that the woman in question slept with someone else 2 days after the alleged rape she is accusing me of. and that the polcie were looking for him ( is this a good sign?? )

        but i'm still worried and have felt the not return to my stomach, maybe its because i've had today off and starting my new career in 2 weeks. i jsut want to hear those magic words NFA'd

        Any kind words are greatly appreciated

        All the Best


        • #19
          Darktimes, you were released without bail following interview. It does not sound like you have anything to worry about. If the police are looking for the other man, it is possibly to strengthen their case against her.

          Since the DC was so good at the time and it has been a couple of weeks. You could ask your solicitor to contact her and ask for an update. That may put your mind at ease.


          • #20
            thanks very much shatteredhusband

            i thinks i'm worrying aswell because my parents are away on holiday and its just me on my own.

            im sure your right about this

            thanks for the kind words


            • #21
              Hey DT
              I thought you had been told that the case was going to be dropped? Make a note of the time and date you received this notification; who told you it; where you were, etc etc.
              Chin up mate. Take a look back and see how far you have come.


              • #22
                My Apologese saffron i never read that original post back! to clarify i have been interviewed from what the DC's stated they dont believe this is rape, and i was released without bail and charged and they kept repeating if they can get her done for wasting police time they will.

                and they want to go and speak to her as she was interviewed down in england by different detectives.

                the DC is tieing up loose ends and said it can take about 2 weeks. i just had a fantastic call from my best friend telling me hes coming round to take me out for some food then back to mine for Xbox.


                • #23
                  Fantastic news!!!!!!!!!

                  well folks spoke to the Detective investigating ym case today and she told meOfficialy i have been NFA'd and the woman has been cahrged with Making falsfe allegations of rape and wasting police time!!!!!

                  i am to be called up as a witness and i look forward to putting this woman through the hell that she put me through!! i hope my story can be a bit of hope for any who are going through a similar ordeal!

                  i believe i amgoing to go out and have a few celebatory drinks today!

                  fortunately i dont think ive been to badly affected by this i still think the best in people but i will from now on be a lot more wary.i'm young and looking forward to the rest of my life and my new career!

                  the people who created and offer support and advice on this forum are lifesavers and saints. Its so good to find a friendly place with people who have similar problems!

                  all the best and i will stick around and help in anyway i can.


                  • #24
                    sorry about the bad spelling but im just soo dam excited!! and elated!


                    • #25
                      well done im so happy for you , hope the woman gets to experience the same feelings you had to go through
                      Last edited by 0990; 2 February 2011, 10:40 AM. Reason: typo error


                      • #26
                        that is the best news I have seen this week! I am so pleased for you and let's hope she gets her comeuppance with a decent jail sentence.
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #27
                          i know alot of people are worried about the police being bias or loosing evidence but the Investigating DC's were extremely kind to me and they never preasured me at all

                          im so glad justice has come through and this woman is going to pay for almost destroying my life


                          • #28
                            Great news! To have this final confirmation must be a big relief and to know this woman is going to be prosecuted also, makes it even better.

                            best wshes for the future.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Darktimes View Post
                              i know alot of people are worried about the police being bias or loosing evidence but the Investigating DC's were extremely kind to me and they never preasured me at all

                              im so glad justice has come through and this woman is going to pay for almost destroying my life

                              Well said Darktimes - not all police officers are after a false conviction.

                              She almost destroyed your life - but did not succeed.
                              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                              PAFAA details ~


                              • #30
                                This is fantastic news!
                                I'm so pleased for you Darktimes. And I am just as pleased that the case is proceeding against this sorry excuse for a human being. You will get your day in court to tell everyone the horror of being falsely accused. Please keep us updated on the progress!

