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Been found guilty, now what?

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  • Been found guilty, now what?

    My husband has been found guilty of raping our niece. He had been arrested and is in prison for indecently assaulting children. Of his own free will he told the police that 8 years ago he had on one occasion sexually touched our niece. When the police went to her she told them that he has both orally and vaginally raped her and that he had sexually assaulted on occasions for the last 8 years. He totally denied it so we went to trial.
    The whole trial has been a joke. The prosecution spent more time telling the jury about his other offences which he pleaded guilty to 9 months ago than they did about the allegations for why we were at trial. I would say 90% old stuff and 10% of her allegations. When I asked the barrister why he wasn't challenging the jury being told abut all these things he said theres no point because the judge will allow it. But how can it be classed as a fair trial when the jury were so predjudice from the start. And My God did the CPS flower up, to the point of lying about some of the admitted offences. There were moments when i thought that were reading out someone elses offences by mistake!
    She told so many lies on the stand I had to wonder if the last 8 years of my memory had been wiped. Things she were saying was so opposite from the truth that Im still shocked she had the balls to stand on oath and say them.
    She contradicted herself with nearly every sentence she spoke yet our barrister seemed to not pick up on things which if challenged would have shown she was lying. What she said on the stand isn't even the same as what she said on her police statement! How did no-one pick that up????
    Me, his mum and sister had all made statemnts are were prepared to take the stand to tell the jury which parts of her statement were false and yet none of us were called. She described our garage where allegedly incidents took place, its not my garage shes describing. Yet shes adament it is. I have given the barrister photos and google images to prove it and none of it was used. I feel that the barrisiter has shafted him good and proper. He did enough to look like he was defending but missed so many good opportunites to challenge things.
    This now leaves my angry and frustrated.
    So to get to my point where do we go from here. How does appeal work? Does the fact that your legal team didn't do a good job or the fact that it was a biased trial by the fact that all the previous stuff was brought into count?
    Any pointers would be really appreciated.

  • #2
    Hi Boozyboo

    I am sorry but this is a support forum for those who have been Falsely Accused, not for those who have committed the crime. I appreciate that you feel the trial was unfair, but I am mindful that you did say that your husband had committed other offences. This is unlikely to lead to his being regarded as an innocent person falsely accused or falsely convicted

    Unfortunately, giving any advice may be viewed as condoning his behaviour, so I can only suggest your recourse is to obtain legal advice from your representing counsel.



    • #3
      Maybe you could contact a support network for prisoners families. has specific support for families of people convicted of sex crimes.

      False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.

