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someone i know has had someone imprisoned on falsh allegations of rape

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  • someone i know has had someone imprisoned on falsh allegations of rape

    someone that i know had made false allegations of being raped. i dont have evidence but everything i know is hearsay. the alledged rape victim has told her grown up children to lie for her, they in turn have told certain friends its false, but have acted as witnessess for her. she said he beat and raped her, but she was beaten by her ex boyfriend and not the accused. I have managed to contact the defendants solicitor, but without giving my name, she tells me she cant do anything, but also without evidence she still cant do anything, the solicitor did tell me she was very surprised he was found guilty. she suggest i go to cid. But without evidence and everything based on hearsay, what can they do. I do intend to go to the police station but want to know prior as to what to expect. also i will contact the solicitor and give my name.

  • #2
    Hi Boo and welcome

    First of all, well done for recognising a miscarriage of justice and being prepared to do something about it.
    Unfortunately I don't know much about what the police will say. You will need to be very clear about your sources of information. Hearsay is sometimes admissible as evidence at trials, but the barrister has to ask the judge to permit it.
    Do you know the person she has accused? How well do you know the false accuser?
    The solicitor will not be able to do anything without your name and a statement. I am not certain of the legal side, but I am sure that others will be along shortly to advise you.


    • #3
      Is there anybody else who would corroborate what you say 100% who would be prepared to stand up and be counted?

      I do not know why you are not prepared to give your name to the solicitor, or you evidence in full, but please just think about the guy sat in prison, on the Vulnerable Prisoners wing - for his own safety, possibly having his food contaminated with bodily fluids by other inmates who hate rapists.

      If this was your partner, your brother, your husband or somebody you loved sat behind bars for years on end, would you want a witness to step forward and testify?

      If there is a danger of your own personal safety being compromised it might be possible for you to give evidence behind a screen and/or via video link.

      If you are right and this guy is innocent sitting in prison, then you could be help get that innocent person out. Conversely, because you know that he is inocent, you will now be helping him to stay there.
      Last edited by Rights Fighter; 6 January 2011, 06:25 PM.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #4
        hi saffron, I do not know the accused.he is not from this country and had to use an interpreter. i heard they were seeing each other secretly. Unfortunately the scumbag who made the accusations i do know well, and she has left a large scale of distruction where ever she goes, with officials and members of the public, in fact she is also well known by the coucils and courts. They give her and her family certificate every year. i think there called asbo's. (tongue in cheek) that is why it is so hard to believe it was taken to court. I dont mind giving my name, i just had to check with someone else first.


        • #5
          Hi Boo, I'm really glad that you are going to the relevant people to help prevent this accuser getting an innocent man punished for something he has not done. You are doing the right thing.
          Very best wishes to you.
          False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.

