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New member needs advice please

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  • #16

    Hi RF yes I did email you back today with my contact details. Unfortunately I am not very computer literate ! I have been trying to find where "stickys" are situated.
    In response to Saffrons last thread, we have received some witness statements but not the whole transcripts as yet. Accoding to our solicitor the prosecution side has gone very quiet (not sure if that is a good thing or not). Aparantly my partner had a good relationship with this girl and her family members so I am wondering how she will be when or if she attends court. It appears to me that she may have made up this allegation to cover for herself after a rather damning disclosure has been made to her husband and she is trying to cover for herself. Maybe this is just my wishful thinking but perhaps her intention was spite but maybe her intention was not for the allegation to go as far as it has with the possible outcome to my partner. I have no doubt she will have been given lots of encouragement to continue with her "Quest for justice" by the authorities.
    I am becoming increasingly more concerned about the amount of time that is left before the trial in order to prepare our defence. I have left a messege for the solicitor today but as yet she has not returned my call. Any advice please.


    • #17
      I replied to the email asking if this was you - no reply. No problem we'll sort something out re a chat soon.

      Your solicitor may still be on holiday and they will have a load of work to catch up on when he/she returns, so don't expect an immediate response.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #18
        Thanks again for advice

        Still no contact with solicitor despite lraving 3 messeges for her. My daughter has just dropped a bombshell in that she has managed to run up a mobile phone bill of £550! I am considering bankruptsy or an IVA right noe. We have had to survive on my salary alone for the last 7 months as a result of this allegation, thankfully we donot own our own house. Does anyone know of any financial help available for individuals in my specific situation? The CAB are very caring but frankly useless. How do wives of convicted husbands manage?


        • #19
          from hand to mouth - I was living on £55 a week with my daughter.

          I don't know how old your child is - but I'd suggest stopping any allowance until the bill has been paid and swopping to a pay as you go and that any credit has to be earned.

          Have a look at
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #20
            Our sol was absolutely useless at returning calls or responding to emails, particularly after R had been convicted and was bailed pending sentencing. She just had no interest at all. Each time I called her she was ALWAYS "unavailable". Eventually I rang the legal firm she worked for and asked for the names of the senior partners, saying that I wanted to make a formal complaint about her. Miraculously she took my call!

            Try asking the receptionist the best time of day to call. Make a note of every time you ring and the message you leave. If you still get no joy, do what I did and ask for the senior partners names so that you can make a formal complaint.

            This is a last-ditch thing to do though - if you are happy with your legal team the last thing you want to do is alienate them. However you should remember that you are their client and they should at least do you the courtesy of phoning you back.


            • #21

              My eldest daughter ran up the bill on her phone, she is 15, my 12 year old daughter never has her phone charged up so is unlikely to cause any worries! We have now had contact with our sol and my partner feels a little more confident (I wish I did).


              • #22
                false accusation of rape.

                It infuriates me so much that a person can be allowed to get away with this and devastate so many peoples lives. Why is it that a man gets falsley accused of rape and can have his name splashed all over the media, yet the so apparent victims identity is protected??? and why , when the accused is found not to be guilty and cleared of all charges, the media arent interested in publishing those facts. And why, then, isnt the accuser named and shamed and brought to justice. I am a female and I havent ever been a victim of rape nor do I know anyone who has been falsley accused.I have morals and principals though and strongly believe that if someone can make such terrible accusations,knowing them to be untrue, and wasting public money, they should be brought to justice as quickly as the accused was.


                • #23
                  Hi, if you want to remove your name (if that is your actual one) please let me know and do it.

                  Thank you for taking the time to post - its appreciated.
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #24
                    Hi there, I haven't posted for a while as we are still waiting for the CID to return my PC which they have obviously found does NOT contain any form of sexual or abusive material, they have had it in their possession now since April last year!

                    Life continues to remain pretty much unbearable as the court case gets closer. We have some interesting new developments which in my opinion should be enough proof that the allegations made against my partner are totally fabricated with a vindictive motive. The problem is our judicial system is so flawed and totally bias towards the so called "victim" that it is unlikely to make any difference.

                    I am struggling to maintain any sense of normality in my life and that of my daughters however, knowing that we are not alone and reading the support on this site offered to others in the same position does offer some comfort.

                    The hardest thing for me is being totally unable to control any of this and having to accept that despite the devastation the "victim" has caused to me and my family, emotionally and financially even if justice is served she will never feel any hardship and will not be left to "pick up any pieces"

