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Update ...Kermit

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  • #61
    Kermit's partner - the offer is still open to meet up. If you email me we can arrange something, I am sure!
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #62
      Thank you me and kermit pray to st jude every day, i so want the lying to suffer like he is! Lonely away from his family for a crime he is innocent off, i know he is as i was there and so was my daughter!

      Police r lying bast..ds and will stitch innocent people up for their own conviction ratings, i know this as details and papers were hidden from the jury!

      I don't trust the justice system 2 investigate the police and the way they handled this Lie, i was never interviewed !
      Things the lying told me when she visited in 2009 and it was dated, i still have a copy and his defence team have it as well, so that is all going 2 appeal i hope, police have stitched up kermit without any proof and ignored truth.
      British justice b..locks.

      Please all pray for kermit, i email him everyday on emailaprisoner and he sends u all his love and thanks you all x god bless u all x


      • #63
        Kermits appeal ready

        Hi all, Kermit send his love and thanks everyone for keeping him in their thoughts. He has had several up and down days! His defence team have been updated on new evidence and his appeal is ready, so once the sentence comes in on the 4th March his appeal is going in!
        I am going 2 see him 2morrow, valentines day. I will keep a smiling face for him even though inside i cry everyday, wish the tears would stop!
        I feel like a robot somedays, tiredness has reached a new height.
        RF i would like 2 take u up on ur offer of meeting i am free after monday! You have my mobile number so give me a txt and we arrange a meet, would be nice 2 meet the lady that gives me strength when i feel i have none left. bless you
        I hope u r feeling better as well, kermit asked about u all 2day when he called


        • #64
          It is easier and much quicker to make arrangements by email than tapping it out on a mobile phone in several text messages.

          Please email me and suggest some dates and times and hopefully we can sort something out.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #65
            Kermit's sentence delay

            The judge in kermits case ordered a psychiactric report be done by his defence team before sentence on the 4th March.The report will cannot be done till the 15th march, Kermits solicitor has requested a 4wk delay. This has set back Kermit so much! he has had trouble with being in prison for a crime he did not commit,he is suffering badly with depression! I received a call from one of the prison staff yesterday and Kermit will see the prison phsychiatrist on monday,as he is not coping at all.

            He has a job that helps get him out of his cell and is attending classes along with seeing the prison chaplin but that only helps a small part!

            His barrister has sent his appeal to london strand already before sentence,His solicitor is waiting on the grounds of appeal to be sent to him.We have been told that defense can appeal on the verdict outcome as well as the sentence and any new evidence
            We have been told by the solicitor that the dozen or so facebook comments by the lying ***** (new evidence found) and the message to my daughter by the accuser, confirming that myself David and others (who the judge disallowed in court to testify) as the ***** said "oh i never said that!"
            We were all telling the truth, yet the jury never heard any of it, only ever heard what the lying ***** said, it was never contested properlly as the judge disallowed us all being asked and said it was all hearsay!
            She was not kept at the court while the trial was going on , only had to attend give evidence then left and Kermits defence told it would be too expensive to bring her back to court, she was not even put on a video link.

            The police advised us to block everyone on the prosecution side on facebook and msn of which we did.After the court case the psycho lying ***** re added my daughter on blackberry and facebook, my daughter has never answered anything she has had by private message and all comments and remarks have been sent to Kermits solicitor as well as his Barrister!

            Re adding my daughter it gave us an opportunity to look through all of the lying *****es facebook comments and that of others , so that the truth we stated in court was confirmed by her own words! But the evidence was not available to produce in the original court case, now Kermit must wait and wait to see if the appeals single judge will allow the appeal and also on what grounds the appeal has gone in on!

            Kermit is in a prison cell falling apart for something HE DID NOT DO!

            Is there anything anyone can suggest?

            kermits partner x


            • #66
              I am so sorry to hear of your delay and the effect which it has had upon Kermit. Unfortunately I do not have any practical advice to add to my sympathy for the situation which you all find yourself in.

              I am sure that others may have more knowledge and may be able to suggest something.

              Best wishes


              • #67
                Hello Mrs K.

                Sorry to hear that Kermit is struggling. It's really good that he has a job though - keeps him busy and allows him a little extra cash for some small material comforts.

                Unfortunately I can't offer any practical advice beyond that which has already been given. Keep writing to him, loving him and supporting him. Keep him updated about the progress of the appeal - hopefully that will lift his spirits. Knowing that he has someone "on the outside" who is fighting his corner is invaluable. You are doing brilliantly. Make sure you look after yourself.



                • #68
                  Kermit sentenced

                  Hi all i cant find the words to describe how not just myself but both mine and kermits families are doing after the sentence was given on friday!
                  The judge gave Kermit the mandatory lowest sentence 10yrs,we are fighting his appeal and trying to work out how that lying ***** can say he did this, no evidence,no dna NOTHING! The judge made a point that all fresh evidence is for the appeals court.
                  I cant explain how Kermit is ,he has been put on a medical unit with his heart rate 120,he cannot control his breathing,he cannot talk without gasping for air and is shaking uncontrollable.He has been medicated.
                  PLEASE SOME1 TELL ME HOW THE HELL CAN JUST THE WORD OF SOMEONE BE ENOUGH TO TAKE A MAN'S LIFE AWAY. The police officer doing the case did not even turn up for the sentence she sent her side kick.
                  Paramedics were on hand at the court as concerns have been raised by the prison about Kermits mental state as well as his physical state.The prison officers have been really supportive trying to get Kermit to understand what happens now HIS APPEAL IN LONDON! His solicitor is sacked as all the evidence we found showing none of the defence witnesses lied was never given to the Barrister as the solicitor believes it all to be hearsay and said the court would not allow it.
                  Kermits barrister has requested we get all details found ready and also a new criminal solicitor is going to see Kermit at the prison to explain the fight for his release and innocence is just started and that sentence had to be given before stage 2 could be started. Total **** up from the start and by the time it is all finished KERMIT will get his day ! AND BE RELEASED HOME! WE WILL FIGHT !

                  Any advice anything at all please Kermits Fiance x


                  • #69
                    At least an appeal application is in place.

                    You have my email address - please feel free to make use of it
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • #70
                      Hi rights fighter , is it possible you can p.m me please , because i have recently joined i cannot p.m anyone , i would like to ask you for some information in p.m please , if possible can you p.m me your email address or another method to contact you please.

                      thank you.


                      • #71
                        I'm so sorry to hear about Kermit and I hope that his health will pick up soon.

                        Keep on with the fight and I'm sure you'll get help and advie when you need it - you're doing all the right things to help yourselves.
                        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by help-please View Post
                          Hi rights fighter , is it possible you can p.m me please , because i have recently joined i cannot p.m anyone , i would like to ask you for some information in p.m please , if possible can you p.m me your email address or another method to contact you please.

                          thank you.
                          Thank you for your query.

                          I am right in the middle of pre-trial preparation and two appeals and my time is severely limited and I just don't have time to get into email conversation with anybody at the moment - this is why the PMs to me have been de-enabled unless I contact people first if I am concerned about what they are saying or I can offer direct assistance. (When I do, sometimes they don't bother answering!)

                          Can you not ask your question on here? You do not need to post up any identifying information and others may well be able to help.

                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • #73
                            Hi Mrs K

                            Sorry to hear about the sentence. It must be bittersweet that the judge gave him the minimum term.
                            I don't have any further advice other than to say that I am thinking of you and Kermit. If you PM me his number and the address of the HMP I will write him a note.


                            Saffron x


                            • #74
                              Kermit Update

                              Safron Kermit has asked me to say thank you to you for the postcard he received.
                              He said it made him feel comfort knowing he is not forgotten.

                              Kermit is doing his best to fight and focus as much as he can, we have requested he is kept at the local prison while his appeal is being looked at and that my disabilities and the stress moving him anywhere will cause not just his family but to Kermit as well be considered to keep him local!
                              He is back on his wing but still on 30min checks. His medication is 10mg morning and 10mg at about 6pm each day that keeps his depression calmer and him sedated to a point but he struggles everyday with his panic and claustrophobia attacks.

                              I day i hope her conscience and guilt eat her up so much she suffers like she is making all our families suffer from her lies.

                              Visiting Kermit again on sunday so will update and bring his message to you all soon.

                              Happy Easter all god bless x


                              • #75
                                hi kermits fiancee,
                                My heart goes out to you and your family and poor kermit of course.
                                First time I have read kermits story.We are very much in the same boat.
                                My partner was sentenced to 16yrs (2wks ago) for historic rapes against 2grandchildren and his daughter. so you will know it is heartfelt when i say I understand totally what you are going through.(my kids are same age as yours too)
                                I appear to have lost contact due to him not being allowed to ring any more because my daughter is there and have only had one letter containing the v.o.I've tried to tell him to appeal against his sentence and that he needs to get some advice a.s.a.p but whether because he is elderly, frail and in ill-health he just seems as if hes accepted his fate and wants to curl up and die. I can understand this as its left me emotionally and physically wrecked.
                                I'm so glad your pushing with an appeal.We would need to find a new solicitor - should have done as soon as the alarm bells started ringing during the 18mnth it took to get to court.
                                dont give up and be strong and I'm always here if you ever need a shoulder or to share .
                                love and hugs to you all
                                letty xx

