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Update ...Kermit

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  • #31
    I am so sorry to read your news Mrs K. My heart goes out to both of you at this hard time. Cry all you need to- rid all the sadness and get the anger / fight bug back and invest it into the appeal!!! Good luck.


    • #32
      Kermits details

      At the moment Kermit is being held in dorchester prison , i had a call from them tonight telling me he was there and they are calling again tomorrow. But i guarentee i will call them at 9am. When i have full details his number ect i will pm you and i know he would really appreciate any letters of support.

      I told them im in a wheelchair and asked would it take longer to get access into the prison with all the checks they do, i dont want to waste anytime that i will have with him, was told to ask in the morning!

      I want to sleep i'm physically exhausted, but i cant bear to go to our bed, i can feel him every where in the house, the smell he leaves in the bathroom after he been in there having his shower or bath.

      Im so angry, full of hatred for the liars that stood in court i cant even bear to say they were ever related to my life. I feel so disgusted and sick to the pit of my stomach.

      God bless you all. will give more details when i get them x mrs kermit


      • #33
        Don't think i can cry anymore, my eyes sting just llike they did when my son's died 1st son 16yrs ago and 2nd 9yrs ago . x


        • #34
          Dear Mrs K,

          All I can offer you is my prayers and sympathy, but hope you can take a little comfort from all the friendship you have on this forum
          'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


          • #35
            The prison he is in, is part of the "Email A Prison" scheme so open up an account and send some emails to him. they will get there much quicker than letters. They cost 25 pence each and you are allowed 2,500 characters which includes spaces and "returns".

            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #36
              I am so sorry to hear this news also, life can be so unfair. The reality of how things can turn out for people in this situation is scary. My thoughts are with you, don't give up and continue fighting his corner.


              • #37
                I am so sorry Mrs Kermit. I hope you can see him ASAP.

                Very best wishes to you

                Jen x
                False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


                • #38
                  I’m so sorry about the verdict;
                  I’m amazed after all that time the case even ended up in court.
                  Hope Kermit can appeal, and you can stay strong


                  • #39
                    So sorry to hear about the verdict. Glad to hear RF is able to meet with you, she knows her stuff. I hope you can pass on the message that people believe he is innocent despite the verdict and that he will get through this (as will you and your daughter).
                    "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


                    • #40
                      Dear Mrs K...along with the others I am soooooo sorry to hear your news. please keep coming back on here and people will do their best to advice and support you at this awful time


                      • #41
                        So sorry

                        Kermit & Mrs Kermit

                        I am so sorry that you have had such bad news. It really is the most awful situation to be in - through no fault of your own. It makes you question the whole basis of British 'justice'. This will be a very difficult time for both of you but try and keep strong and don't give up the fight.


                        • #42
                          Hi Mrs Kermit - I am so sorry to read your situation, unfortunately I am in exactly the same boat. My husband was found guilty by a stupid jury that listen'd to all the lies his accuser made plus other people who took the stand. Despite it being proven in black and white!!
                          He was sentenced in September and I know what I have been through over the past few months so know precisely how you are feeling.I have 2 children aged 15 and 21 and you have to stay focussed and strong. You will get through this and very quickly you realise that if you don't carry on, you let them win by destroying everything - DO NOT LET THEM!!! Hold your head up high, you have nothing to be ashamed of and everyone who knows you will know without doubt that he is innocent. As for anybody else, don't worry because there just not worth it.
                          I promise you over the next few weeks you will become stronger and more determined to hold everything together - If nothing else, just to prove to the accuser that they really haven't won.
                          If the local press run a story, try not to let it get to you - it will become tomorrows fish and chip paper. Hold your head high.
                          Practical things are a headache, I had most of the passwords and log ins for his bank but utility services and other bits are a nightmare. I managed to get round all of them by getting a male friend of mine to ring up and say they were my hubby - provided all the security questions etc and he gave them the instruction and authorisation to deal with me on the accounts - worked with everyone luckily.
                          Another thing you need to be aware of is Insurance on your house for buildings and contents - mainstream insurers will not honour your policy if you need to make a claim for anything if they find out about the conviction and if you tell them about the conviction they then cancel your insurance. Let me know if you want to know how i have dealt with this.
                          If you would like any other practical help please message me and I would be more than happy to give any help i can.


                          • #43
                            That's a really kind message Sammi. Thanks for continuing to offer support, it's much appreciated.


                            • #44
                              mrs kermit

                              Hi so sorry 2 read ur in same boat, i never thought 4 1 minute i would be on as site like this but the relief i felt and kermit did when he was here at home, where he should be now, when we found this site and all the wonderful people on here . How did u get round the insurance? please i have managed 2 get most things sorted and i have access 2 his bank but like i read on your message i have found the same no one will help when you ask, all i get is Mr Kermit has 2 phone us himself.
                              Because we are not married our local estate agent who has known kermit since he was a little boy , have written up a contract 4 me so i now rent his home and council tax ect now been applied 4, waiting 4 them 2 reply accepting my forms.
                              Papers we are not bothered about, the village we live in and all our friends all no kermit are all 100% behind us both. It cant be any worse.
                              Have managed 2 talk 2 kermit afew times now he has a phone pin, it might be 10mins at a time but its a precious 10mins, hearing his voice and making sure he knows everyone is behind him.
                              I have got our 1st visit in 13hrs , just 2 b able 2 see and talk face 2 face feels unreal.
                              We will fight 4 appeal as most of his case defence was denied by the judge as hear say BS how can what that lying cow said 2 us and others not be allowed 2 b heard, as its the same as her allegation against kermit. His solicitor and barrister are working on an appeal, we have been told he has 28days after sentence is givem 2 get it in, and if there is any justice in this world he will get another day in court and all the BS she told others will be heard by the jury and his innocence will be shown.
                              I have spoken with his solicitor and asked 4 worst case scenario as after what happened in court i really needed it and so did kermit. We have been told 8/9yrs is possible as kermit did not plead guilty in any shape or form and he wont ever. Our fight will be 2 get the truth out, we have nothing but fight now. My anger sadness and heart ache have been gone 2 fight.
                              LET THEM BRING IT ON ....


                              • #45
                                So sorry

                                I really am so sorry 4 missing u, i checked my mobile and the number i txt'd was wrong. I hope u r feeling better and would really like 2 meet up, please let me know when u r free and please can i pay 4 any out of pocket costs u had. My car shud have been finished at 10-30 but thats done and gone now. Just another screwed up thing this last week that has gone wrong.
                                Will post 2moz how things are 4 kermit after i have seen him

