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my life is over

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  • my life is over

    this is just a rundown of wat an evil manipulative ***** has done to me. she has ruined my life.

    my now ex and i got together about 3 years ago. at first it was great but things happened so quick. she had a big row with her parents after we had been dating for just a month and came and stayed with me. All was great but she fell pregnant a couple months later. since the baby she became controlling never letting me do anything i lost all my friends cause i wasnt aloud to see them. a month ago i left her i told her i couldnt put up wit the way she treats me anymore and its not fair on our son to hear it every night. she harrased me every day from then on with texts and calls begging me to come back. then because i kept saying no she got an injunction against me, which i thought was good because she couldnt get hold of me.but a couple days later the texts and calls began again. trying to get me to come rround the house, making me feel guilty saying "dnt u want to see your son" and stuff like that. i kept saying i cant see u cause of the injunction. then 2 days ago she rang me and said she was going into town and do i want to meet her to see my boy. because i aint seen him in 3 weeks i met her to see him. as soon as i met her she was crying and begging me to come home. this went on for a hour or so. in the end i went back to hers so i could spend an hour witmy boy. she put him down for a nap and started trying to kiss me and stuff. i gave in in the end cause i do still haave feelings for her shes the mother of my child. she led me upstairs and took mine and hers clothes off and performed oral on me before getting on top of me for intercourse. after i felt really bad and told her that it shouldnt of happened. she started crying again begging me to stay the night, but i said no my heads in a mess and left. she texted me an hour or so later seeing how i was and i said my heads in a mess and im thinking. my best mate emz came round to see how i was and my ex rang and emz answered. mmy ex flipped in a jelous rage screaming and shouting. i hung up on her and ignored her texts and calls. then at 2 oclock in the morning i get a bang at the door and its the police ying that she has alleged i raped her. i think its ****ing mental. i dnt no how she can do this to me. i got proof on my fone all her texts and that which i gave to the police. i just hope when it gets proved shes a lying ***** they prosecute her and she goes to prison. she has ruined my life. im just scared that the courts wont beieve me. i cant go to prison for something i havent done. if it does come to that i will kill myself then i hope she can live with herselkf noing she has killed the father of her child with her lies.

  • #2
    Hi Jon,

    What happened when the police came round; i.e. were you arrested, taken to the police station and interviewed? If so were you charged or bailed? Did you have a solicitor present?

    (Sorry about the questions, I can understand why you are upset but to fight this you need to take a step back from the emotional bit and keep a clear head)
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


    • #3
      Jon, this is time to fight, not give up. You have a son to watch grow up.

      A clear head is needed.
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • #4
        i was arrested on suspicion of rape and bailed till 14th feb. i just think its ridiculous wat she is doin. its so worrying


        • #5
          control freak

          sounds like your ex has boderline personality disorder check out on google other
          sites hope things work out i know this as my ex has all the same traits


          • #6
            Joan - have you got a legal sorted?
            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


            • #7

              welcome to this site hope that we can help you through this. there are people on here who can offer legal advice, others a shoulder to cry on, so to speak. First off take a deep breath as you need a clear head to get through this. We all know that it is easier said than done but you need to think straight to beat this thing. Keep coming back here and we will do our best to help you through this awful ordeal.


              • #8
                Hello Jon,

                Please don't let the anger that you feel consume you,you will need to calm yourself down and think this over with a clear head.

                What has happened to you is quite horrific and I can understand your rage but this will subside as you get to grips with the false allegation that has been made against you.

                As you have been bailed I am assuming that you haven't been charged but that the Police are investigating and this will take some time I'm afraid.I

                f you read through some of the threads on here you will find that there are many people in a similar situation so you are not alone and everyone here will help you through this,you will get legal advice and many shoulders to cry on so don't try to tackle this on your own.

