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still feel like a victim

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  • still feel like a victim

    Hi guys, i tried to make a complaint to the police of false allegations against the person who made them and was told that what she done was not a crime against me!!!!. He told me that if the police were going to charge her with anything it would be wasting police time and maybe perverting the course of justice. He also told me that if they were to press charges it would be because they would see themselves as the vitim of these crimes and not me.Also because of the data protection act i will never know if they have charged her because it is none of my buisness. and they are not allowed to tell me anything. I feel like the police are still on her side and are still protecting her even though they have solid evidence that she lied. I still feel like the victim and that i will never get justice for what she has done. Have anyone else tried to press charges against their accuser, if so what was your outcome??? Tony.

  • #2
    Hi Tony,

    The only practical suggestion I can make is that you carefully compose a letter to your MP stating what effect the false allegations have had on your physical and mental well-being and listing the consequences (if any; eg. on job, relationships etc) and how aggrieved you feel that the accuser appears to suffer no retribution as a result of her false statements.

    For good measure you could point out that a considerable amount of public money has been wasted on investigating the false accusations.

    At the very least the police will then have to justify not taking any action to your MP, and hopefully he will write back to you with some sort of answer.
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


    • #3
      Casehardened has made a good suggestion Tone, maybe we could draft a letter when I come over - it's Paul Flynn isn't it and he's very pro-active. Jen x
      False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


      • #4
        no justice

        Hi casehardened, thank you for your advice and support. Having only spoken to the police today and still trying to take in what they said i feel like i will never get my justice for what she put me and my family and friends through. Surely there should be a procedure whereby if there is solid evidence that she lied, (as it is in my case) then she should be charged. but it seems that the police dealing with the case decide whether to charge her or not. At least thats how it seems to me. Also if they do press charges it will be for wasting police time and not for the false accusations she made against me which makes me feel like i will never get justice for what she have put me through.


        • #5
          CH has given great advice there.
          I would also add that if they do charge her with PCOJ or Wasting Police Time and she pleaded Not Guilty, you would probably be called as a witness. It could be that they are not telling you because an investigation is underway. (I hope so!)
          I reckon if you write to your MP you will get a much better and more sympathetic response.


          • #6
            Originally posted by largactyl1 View Post
            Casehardened has made a good suggestion Tone, maybe we could draft a letter when I come over - it's Paul Flynn isn't it and he's very pro-active. Jen x
            Hiya Jen. it is a good suggestion Jen but i'm feeling a bit flat at the moment and dont know what to do. x


            • #7
              Originally posted by Saffron View Post
              CH has given great advice there.
              I would also add that if they do charge her with PCOJ or Wasting Police Time and she pleaded Not Guilty, you would probably be called as a witness. It could be that they are not telling you because an investigation is underway. (I hope so!)
              I reckon if you write to your MP you will get a much better and more sympathetic response.
              HIYA saffron. The police officer told me that even if they were charging her for wasting police time they cant tell me because legally it is them pressing charges against them and not what she done to me.


              • #8

                What you are feeling is perfectly understandable and it's also NORMAL!

                You would find out if she was charged as hopefully it would hit the paper and as Saffron said, if she pleads not guilty you may well be called as a witness.

                Concentrate on healing first.

                It might help to contact the chief constable to request that the allegation is removed from your ECRB check. In doing so you could drop into the equation that you are hoping that she will be charged with perverting the course of justice and wasting police time - a great cost to the public purse.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~

