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wife of falsely accused

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  • wife of falsely accused

    My husband was falsley accused in March - he is still on bail and is expecting to be re-bailed again this weekend. Why have we been waiting almost 9 months for the cps to make a decision?

  • #2
    Hello Victoria and welcome to the forum. I'm afraid that waiting several months is par for course.

    Keep coming back for support.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      Hi Victoria and welcome.
      The wait on bail is bittersweet - if the CPS had enough evidence they would have charged him already. However they may also be waiting for forensics to come back, or for other "victims" to come forward. Try to take comfort from the fat that they are obviously not treating his case as a priority.

      9 months is a long time to be waiting. Most of our members seem to get a CPS decision within about 4-5 months. However, there have been cases where the accused has been on bail for over a year. If this does happen to you and your husband is eventually charged, he may have a case for "Abuse of process" which could result in the case being kicked out.

      Chin up. You are not alone.


      • #4
        Thank you for your prompt reply and support. The waiting is worse than the original accusation. We are in limbo and not able to settle on a course of action. I have read many of the posts in this section and it does help to know that we are not the only people going through this nightmare. It is unfortunate that so many men have been falsely accused apparently on the whim of an accuser - (I refuse to say 'victim'). Before this happened to us I never realised the extent of the problem. It is grossly unfair that a man is assumed guilty simply because a female says he is. It does not happen with any other 'crime' and the fact that a man risks a lengthy prison term if found guilty means that an accuser should provide irrefutable evidence of rape. By the way I do not side with genuine rapists, I just feel that a woman 'making a mistake' or 'changing her mind' is just that and only that.


        • #5
          Hello Victoria,

          The rebail process seems to go on and on,My Grandson has been rebailed four times now since July but it seems an eternity.

          You are certainly not alone in this situation,like you I didn't realise just how often this happened but this forum has opened my eyes to some women who are a disgrace to their gender.

          Everyone here has given me wonderful support and very good advice and I'm sure they will be there for you too.

          Stay strong,thinking of you.


          • #6
            Hi Victoria. Sorry that you and your husband find yourself in this situation. I have only been waiting since October and cannot imagine how difficult nine months has been for you both.

            Hope that your nightmare is soon over. As others have said if the case was strong enough, your husband would be charged already. Have the police given any indication as to what has caused the delays?


            • #7
              Hi Victoria, I am so sorry that you had to find us here. When Tony was accused, the very worst thing was being in limbo - constantly going over and over everything. He was NFA after 4 months, and I hope yr husband gets this soon.

              Tony (referred previously as A) needed to talk it through - he thought about it before he went to (broken sleep) he would be thinking about it as he woke up. He felt his relationship with his accuser was now all dirty (he was with her 6+ years), that he had no happy memories. He didn't dare go anywhere because he feared seeing her and her making more accusations. He felt everyone thought the worst of him. He keeps on (still) wanting to know WHY, how could she make such a terrible allegation. He needed medication from the Doc. I think these things are all very common amongst the Falsely Accused. It is very difficult for loved-ones as well.

              Best Wishes to you
              Jen x
              False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


              • #8
                Hi Victoria

                i am also sorry to know that you are having to go through this awfull nightmare. I can appreciate the emotions you and your husband have had to endure these last few months. My husband was charged over a year ago at his first police interview before any proper investigation was done. It took 7 months before any forensics came back. The whole legal process is very slow. It is good to see that you are still supporting him.


                • #9

                  Thank you all for your support. At this time of the year it makes it even harder to carry on 'normally' - I can't even remember what normal is any more. Unfortunately my husband has been charged and is due to appear at the magistrates court next year to enter his plea - not guilty of course. Our solicitor has told us that until he gets all the 'evidence' he can't properly advise us as to how to proceed. To say that we are devastated is an understatement but as with so many others in this position we have no choice but to hang on in there and keep fighting. Does any one know if the case could still be dropped if after sight of the accusers statements our solicitor can make a good case for my husband's innocence? Can I take this opportunity to thank you all again for your support and to wish you as happy a Christmas as possible and hopefully a better New Year.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by victoria View Post
                    Thank you all for your support. At this time of the year it makes it even harder to carry on 'normally' - I can't even remember what normal is any more. Unfortunately my husband has been charged and is due to appear at the magistrates court next year to enter his plea - not guilty of course. Our solicitor has told us that until he gets all the 'evidence' he can't properly advise us as to how to proceed. To say that we are devastated is an understatement but as with so many others in this position we have no choice but to hang on in there and keep fighting. Does any one know if the case could still be dropped if after sight of the accusers statements our solicitor can make a good case for my husband's innocence? Can I take this opportunity to thank you all again for your support and to wish you as happy a Christmas as possible and hopefully a better New Year.

                    It is par for course that paperwork only comes in after charge and even then will sometimes only come in dribs and drabs. I've often attended Magistrates hearings where the DJ (District Judge) has taken the Crown to task for not being ready or not passing paperwork to the defence.

                    It is not up to your solicitor to prove your husband's innocence. What is in the statements is now "a matter for the jury". I find that last comment highly irritating but that is the case.

                    However, if an abuse of process has occurred a case can be stopped at any time through the trial. The solicitor I work for who specialises in historic false allegations has been very successful in those applications.

                    Your job now is to gather as many material witnesses as possible - were others present or in the next room at the time of the alleged offence? Make notes of the run-up to the allegations and how the accuser behaved just before and after.

                    Is she in debt? Does she use drugs (can't use that as "bad character" but you might be able to put any drug debts, if known, as a motive).
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • #11

                      It seems to be just a case of her word against his. I don't want to go into further detail on a public site.


                      • #12
                        Most cases are with no DNA or injuries.
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #13
                          Nightmare has ended

                          After 21 months and 2 trials my husband has finally been found NOT GUILTY!!!! This marks the end of the most stressful and frightening experience we have ever had. We have at times despaired of ever finding justice but I am very happy to say that finally we got it. This is just a short post to let everyone in the same situation know that there is always hope and to keep fighting to the very end. I will add more later when I have calmed down but as I have found this site extremely useful and supportive I just wanted to share the good news today.


                          • #14
                            Hi Victoria - I'm so pleased that he has finally been found not guilty.

                            Please be aware that you will still be feeling the stress and pressure from this for quite a while to come. Go with the emotions and more importantly, go out and enjoy Christmas!
                            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                            • #15
                              Hi Victoria
                              Fantastic news, I am so pleased for you and your hubby. TWO trials? Madness.
                              I don't want to put a downer on things, but be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions now. The initial euphoria will wear off, and is oftten replaced by anger and terrible sadness that this even happened in the first place.
                              In the meantime, here are some dancing bananas!

