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  • #16
    Thank you!!

    Hello to you all. Iam the A that jen (largactyl1) has been talking to you all about. I felt i should register to say thank you to everyone that supported me (and Jen) through the worst time of my life. I know Jen had been on seeking advice off you all and finding out stuff about my situation. I dont think i would have got through this without the belief and support of my family and friends especially Jen who have been a constant shoulder for nearly 4 months (Thank you Jen) and i feel i need to thank you all for your support and advice. Tony xxx


    • #17
      its a pleasure Tony and thank you for coming on here - it is appreciated by the posters on here.

      I hope all continues to go well for you and yours.
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • #18
        Welcome Tony. Please do keep coming back as you will go through a whole range of emotions - and at times you may think you are going mad. Coming here to vent will help you see that what you are feeling is perfectly normal.

        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #19
          Great news !!!!

          welcome Tony, so glad your ordeal is over, Your kind words are much appreciated. Keep coming back here for support.


          • #20
            Hi Tony, nice to "meet" you!
            Jen has been brilliant, offering support and advice to other members as well as asking for help regarding your case. I know that you don't need me to tell you what a great friend she is to you.

            You will probably be going through a huge range of emotions right now, which is completely normal. Many of us have been exactly where you are now, so we genuinely do understand.

            Finally, congratulations on the NFA. Always such a pleasure to hear happy news.


            • #21
              CONGRATS tony , as i know how it is like when 1 dont know about the future .. mate i am going through hell ... its the worst feeling when person dont know what will happen... happy for you .. hope my case is also nfa'd on 11th jan.


              • #22
                hi it is great news to read others are giventhe right answer from the police! it shows that not all the women who lie are belioeved which is such a relief.

                please could anyone answer me this question, i am asking as you have all been there! when you return to bail, do you see the officer who is dealing with your case? do they re question? if so why? and will i be there long? i am peterfied they will believe her lies, although it not very realiable.

                thank you all and once agian congrats x


                • #23
                  When my Grandson went back he did see the same officer but he wasn't questioned again,in fact the officer already had the rebail notice in his hand.He just handed it over and my Grandson just came out.It took about five minutes from the time he went into the station to when he came out.

                  Well done to Tony,hope thin gs settle down for you now and you can get your life back on track.

