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My Boyfriend falsely accused of rape

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  • My Boyfriend falsely accused of rape

    Hi everyone

    My boyfriend was arrested on suspision of rape a few weeks ago and we are worried sick, he has to answer bail in a couple of weeks and we are worried what will happen if the worst comes to the worst and he gets charged. By that i mean will he be released on bail again until court or will he be locked up ?


  • #2
    Hi Worried, there will be people along soon who will know a lot more than me as I am new to this whole situation - however, it is difficult to know what to say if there is no detail - obviously nothing which will identify you. This will allow people with legal knowledge, and people who have been through this and come out the other end so to speak, to help you.

    Very best wishes

    False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


    • #3
      Hi WorriedG

      It could be wishful thinking(?) to think that he would be charged in a couple of weeks. As others here have found, it can take months, almost a year in some cases, for the police and cps to decide to charge.

      If or when he's charged, bail depends on his circumstances and the odds of doing a runner. If he's got a stable background, a home etc then it's unlikely bail would be refused.
      But every case is individual.


      • #4
        Hi Worriedgirlfriend

        As LS said, if your Boyfriend has a stable home and a job and the risk of him absconding is small, then it is unlikely he will be refused bail. However, it is also unlikely that he will be NFAd (No Further Action) or charged at his first bail report, unless there is compelling evidence either way.

        If you want to post up some details (nothing identifying, as this is an open forum) we will be able to advise better.



        • #5
          We have a family home together with kids and are worried sick. I don't want to say much on here as anyone can see it, he has only had one interview with the police when arrested using the duty solicitor and was wondering what to do rather than just sit and wait.

          He had consentual sex with a woman then she went to the police days later when her boyfriend found out.


          • #6
            Hi again

            the first thing you need to do is get a good solicitor on board. This should be a sol who is experienced at defending FALSE allegations of sexual assault - that is very important. If you post up which county you are in, Rights Fighter may be able to point you in the right direction.

            Claiming Rape after a regretted sexual encounter is a common occurence, unfortunately. Your boyfriend is fortunate to have you by his side - many partners run for the hills when something like this happens.

            As you have a home and children together it seems unlikely that bail will be refused. However, if the accuser is a teenager/underage, your boyfriend may have to leave the family home, as he could be deemed a "risk" to your children. Social Services (the SS) could become involved. I don't mean to scare you, but this has been known to happen.

            Good luck, let us know how you get on.


            • #7
              Thanks for the reply's

              She is over the age of 18 and were in Lancashire.

              Would the bail be at the police station or would he be detained and have to go to court ?

              Sorry for all the questions.


              • #8
                As far as I'm aware bail will continue via police station until such time as he is charged, ie it continues on as it currently is. After being charged then it goes to magistrates court and they then set the bail conditions prior to handover (committal) proceedings to the crown court.
                That's the way I remember it going.

                After charge, ie at the magistrates court, the police could argue for him to be detained (remanded to custody which is local prison) but that would only really be if there was a risk of him doing a runner.
                Last edited by LS; 2 November 2010, 01:28 AM.


                • #9

                  Hi all

                  Just a quick update, my boyfriend has been re bailed for another two and a half weeks, he's never spoke to the officer in charge or any other about the case since his first interview when he was first arrested. Does this seem normal ? I thought he would have been re interviewed or someting by now. The waiting is killing him/us its so unfair.


                  • #10
                    I suppose all cops have different ways of doing things, but this one obviously thinks there's nothing to discuss until the cps make a decision. I wouldn't be too concerned at it.


                    • #11
                      WG I have responded to your email.
                      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                      PAFAA details ~


                      • #12
                        I'm really sorry that you have found yourself in this situation,I am going through the same process with my Grandson so know exactly how you must be feeling.

                        His bail has been extended twice now and this has been going on since July but I have been told that this is not unusual,he has not been interviewed again nor has he had any contact with the duty solicitor who attended when he was first arrested so it does seem par for the course.

                        I can only urge you to get strength from everyone here,I know that I'm not alone in this any more and I'm sure you will receive the same fantastic support that I have found,real tangible support that will help you through these dark days.

                        Thinking of you.xx


                        • #13

                          Hi all my boyfriend had a call from the police today to say his case had been NFA'd were over the moon, thanks for your support.


                          • #14
                            Excellent news, WG!
                            I'm liking this - I think yours is the third case today which has been dropped.


                            • #15
                              "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)

