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Ifs, buts, worst case scenarios etc.

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  • Ifs, buts, worst case scenarios etc.

    Hi People, well A is now waiting his 4th bail date now and is beginning to worry that things might not go his way. I am positive it will all be ok, but obviously take his fears seriously as he is so worried. I have a couple of queries:

    If it all did go to court - could I give a witness statement as many lies in the past A's accuser has told me (some stupid stuff, and some really sick eg people dying when they haven't; A beating her up whan cctv said it didn't happen; being raped by 8 seperate people -that was b4 her accusing A.) to my face - she also pretended injuries that were not there - buying her own bandages, using her left hand for things (would be comical if it wasn't so awful).

    Also - and this has really been dragged back up for me by what this *itch is doing - I have been sexually assaulted myself when I was younger (once on the tube - a middle aged guy masturbated on my behind, and once raped by an older man in his flat - the latter went on to murder a girl of my then age 10 months later - I had never reported either attack and felt a lot of guilt about the latter), but could I say something to the police, to a solicitor or in court that I know A. did not do this - and I know what I'm talking about if you see what I mean.

    Oh I don't know, this horrible disgusting woman is causing so much pain. I rarely hate anyone, but I think I do hate her for what she has done to A. and also bringing things up for me I had neatly packed away in the attic of my brain.

    Feeling gloomy but trying to keep positive and cheery to A.

    Jen x
    False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.

  • #2
    Hi Jen

    It certainly sounds as though your testimony could be very powerful for A's defence. I'm sorry to hear about your own experiences - did A help you get through the tough times? If so, that would be even more compelling. It all depends on what the judge will allow. Some of this will be deemed "hearsay" and therefore inadmissible as evidence. Are the lies she has told you "provable"? What I mean by this is, how did you find out that she had lied, and can others back you up with solid proof, not just a general "we think she was lying" type thing? (I am not saying that I don't believe you, far from it, just that in the eyes of the "law" they need to be proven falsehoods).

    I would recommend that if A is charged, you speak to his sol and give a formal statement, recording every lie she has ever told you. It will be up to the sol and the barrister to decide what is admissible and what isn't.

    If you are a defence witness and it does get as far as trial, bear in mind that you will not be allowed to sit in the public gallery to listen to the proceedings until after you have given your evidence, which would be after the prosecution case. You will also be cross-examined by the prosecution, who would be looking for any way of discrediting you.

    I hope that all goes well and A receives an NFA. He is very lucky to have a friend like you. Not many people would stand behind someone falsely accused. I am glad he has a friend like you.


    • #3
      Hi Saffron, thankyou for your helpful and supportive post. I have PM'd you more detailed info to see what you think.

      I am happy to have this forwarded to anyone who might benefit from hearing more detail - or anyone who might have wise words. I wish I could write it all up on the forum but then A would be identifiable and his accuser would realise how much relevant info I know (I think it's relevant anyway).

      She is unlikely to come accross the site but you never know do you - would be just our luck!

      Jen x
      False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.

