Hi, was just looking at the internet in hope of some advice and came across this forum which seemed to be the best place to start.
in the early hours of yesterday morning (5.30am) the police came to my house and arrested my brother (he lives with me) on suspician of rape, gbh and harrassment.
they put him into a cell untill 10am and then questioned him with a duty solicitor present.
he is being accused of rape 4 and a half weeks ago,(why did she wait that long to report it?) the gbh from 2 years ago and the harrassment ongoing. This person is is ex girlfriend, they were together for a year but split in november 09 although they were still seeing and sleeping with each other up till a few weeks ago. she has told the police that my brother came over one night and raped her when what actually happened was that my brother went out for a drink with her brother and ended up back at hers, as he had had a few he asked if it was ok to get into her to bed to sleep, she said yes. She got in bed to and my brother fell asleep nothing even sexual happened! she has told the police that my brother gave her a fat lip 2 years ago which is the gbh charge which is untrue. she also stated that she and my brother stopped seeing each other back in march 10 and is now saying he has been harrassing her when infact after she stopped contacting him a few weeks ago he sent her a few txts asking what was up. The police have seized my brothers phone. My brother has also been arressted before for assult but she dropped it the next day saying it never happened.
He has been released on bail for 4 weeks.
My family are all so distraught at the thought that this girls lies could see my brother in prison for something he never did. I just need some advice
Has anyone got any recommendations of solicitors in the west mids area?
in the early hours of yesterday morning (5.30am) the police came to my house and arrested my brother (he lives with me) on suspician of rape, gbh and harrassment.
they put him into a cell untill 10am and then questioned him with a duty solicitor present.
he is being accused of rape 4 and a half weeks ago,(why did she wait that long to report it?) the gbh from 2 years ago and the harrassment ongoing. This person is is ex girlfriend, they were together for a year but split in november 09 although they were still seeing and sleeping with each other up till a few weeks ago. she has told the police that my brother came over one night and raped her when what actually happened was that my brother went out for a drink with her brother and ended up back at hers, as he had had a few he asked if it was ok to get into her to bed to sleep, she said yes. She got in bed to and my brother fell asleep nothing even sexual happened! she has told the police that my brother gave her a fat lip 2 years ago which is the gbh charge which is untrue. she also stated that she and my brother stopped seeing each other back in march 10 and is now saying he has been harrassing her when infact after she stopped contacting him a few weeks ago he sent her a few txts asking what was up. The police have seized my brothers phone. My brother has also been arressted before for assult but she dropped it the next day saying it never happened.
He has been released on bail for 4 weeks.
My family are all so distraught at the thought that this girls lies could see my brother in prison for something he never did. I just need some advice

Has anyone got any recommendations of solicitors in the west mids area?