Hi All
Im really in need of some help, i know alot of people on this site are going through the same or similler to me. Im 25 just awaiting to go away in the army as a paratrooper. 4 months ago i was accused of rape by my 13 year old cousin! My story is as follows. i know its very long but its what happened and i really need some advice its really turned my life upside down and i fill alone and dont know where to turn.
After a split up with my ex girlfrend who i was with for almost 4 years i had to move in with my arnty and younger cousin who ive not really been that close to at all, My cousin has always been a handfull to cope with for my aurnty she has run away a number of times and once accused my arnty of punching her and reported it to SS this was droped after she admited she was lieing. She was having alot of truble at school with people after her for steeling there boyfriends ect, and just in with the wrong people that were getting her into alot of s**t with police and her mother, Her mum had tryed to get her taken away by SS but they said is wasnt possable for that to happen.
i stayed with them for around a month, in this time i tryed my best to speak to her and try to get her to sort her self out with school ect as i myself droped out and got no GCSE's ect so didnt want the same to happen to her as i know how hard itis to find work without any. My attampts failed she continued to be the same if not worse. Then she satrted drinking of a wekend with friends out on the streets. I know as do all the family thats shes always has a big crush on me, her and all her friend use to call me fit ect but i always took it as a joke from a little girl.
When she started drinking she seamed to trun in to a diffrent person someone ide never met before. Once i knew what she was like when drunk i was quite worried about her that someone could do something to her wile she was in this state. i knew she wasnt going to stop drinking as i done the same when i was younger i think everyone did. one weekend i said her and her mates could have a drink with me so i could keep an eye on her she go very out of hand. rung my ex and caused a whole load of s**t with her for me. Also started to get very weard around me saying she loved me and trying to hug me. I managed to get her home that night and all was well i knew she was ok and nothing happened to her.
The following weekend she texted me saying she was out with one of her girl mates drinking, i was around a friends drinking myself she sent me texts asking if i has comdoms? i relpyed NO WHY? she texted back saying ok then you and your friend want a bj? i told her she was crazy my friend is ten years older then me and i said that was never going to happen! after that i found out where she was and went and found her. sat in a bin shead kissing her girl mate. i took the pair of them back to me and my mums flat and made them sleep in my bed and i crashed on the sofa. i didnt grass her up to her mum because i knew she would be grouned for months over it but i did sit her down and said this has got to stop!
the following night she got drunk again and was sending me texts saying she wnted to kiss me the night before, i replyed saying thats not going to happen! she my cusion and 13 i wouldnt do that and i would go to prison for something like that. I told her to stop being crazy. i knew her mum checked her phone every day so told her to get rid of the texts she sent and i wouldnt say anything as long as it stoped now! after that i stoped replying to texts from her as it was getting to much!
a couple of weeks later me and my friends went out to a lake to have a drink in the summer, my mum, arnty, cusion and her friend came along, my arnty allowed her to drink and she once again got out of hand, told me that day that she was sexualy active and had got rid of a baby bafore i didnt know if this was true, plus any chance she got she would hug me or touch my body ect as it was hot and i had no top on. she was found that day but her mum in a bush with her mate (a diffrent girl) kissing her. and that night stayed at the girls house. we aranged to have a bbq the following weekend at my arntys house with my friends and family. my couson was there but grouned for running away the night before and the police having to find her and her mates house.
at the bbq she was sneeking drink out of the fridge while we was outside. my best friends other half asked my arnty if she could stay with them for the night and she would try and have a word with her to sort her self out, so we ended up back at my friends flat there was myself and two other men there, we got through 3 750ml bottles of vodka and i was very drunk, my cousin was drinking also (beer) given to her by my friends other half.
i was asked by my mum and arnty to stay there the night i didnt want to but said i would, my cousin was sent to bed about 10.30pm in the spear room on her own, we carried on drinking my best mate said he had to go to bed as too drunk and our other friends left also, me and my friends other half had another drink or two and chatted, after a little while i said i had to sleep as room was spinning i layed on the sofa and was asleep after no time at all, next thing i know i was woken up by my mate at 9am with a coffee infront of me in the same place i layed down (fully dressed) then my cousin was woke up and we all spent most the day cleaning two car.
my cousin was asked a number of times if she wanted to go home and said no everytime, around 2pm that day i took her home after we had cleaned the cars and droped her off, the next day i got a call saying she had accused me of going in the bedroom and raping her! i was shocked! i went to the police station straight away handed myself in and gave them all the dna they wanted and helped them in anyway i could my interview was only 20-30 mins long. the police took bed sheets and my cloths from that night and bailed me, i returned for bail about a month ago but dna still wasnt back so got re-bailed till sep but they still think dna wont be back by then. my life has been turned upside down over this and it seams the police are trying to rewin my life before ive even been found gilty of anything. wanting statmens from my ex who has a daughter and because she said she didnt want to get involved they are saying they will get SS involved
since this has happened my cousin had run away again for a night and picked up by police back in this area after they moved away when this happened also she has accused her mum of punching her again and SS have found out its untrue and called her a complete lier
i dont know whats going to happen to me over this ive read storys on here of people getting put away for something they havent done
any advice would be a geate help and sorry again for going on so much but i just dont know where to turn for help
Im really in need of some help, i know alot of people on this site are going through the same or similler to me. Im 25 just awaiting to go away in the army as a paratrooper. 4 months ago i was accused of rape by my 13 year old cousin! My story is as follows. i know its very long but its what happened and i really need some advice its really turned my life upside down and i fill alone and dont know where to turn.
After a split up with my ex girlfrend who i was with for almost 4 years i had to move in with my arnty and younger cousin who ive not really been that close to at all, My cousin has always been a handfull to cope with for my aurnty she has run away a number of times and once accused my arnty of punching her and reported it to SS this was droped after she admited she was lieing. She was having alot of truble at school with people after her for steeling there boyfriends ect, and just in with the wrong people that were getting her into alot of s**t with police and her mother, Her mum had tryed to get her taken away by SS but they said is wasnt possable for that to happen.
i stayed with them for around a month, in this time i tryed my best to speak to her and try to get her to sort her self out with school ect as i myself droped out and got no GCSE's ect so didnt want the same to happen to her as i know how hard itis to find work without any. My attampts failed she continued to be the same if not worse. Then she satrted drinking of a wekend with friends out on the streets. I know as do all the family thats shes always has a big crush on me, her and all her friend use to call me fit ect but i always took it as a joke from a little girl.
When she started drinking she seamed to trun in to a diffrent person someone ide never met before. Once i knew what she was like when drunk i was quite worried about her that someone could do something to her wile she was in this state. i knew she wasnt going to stop drinking as i done the same when i was younger i think everyone did. one weekend i said her and her mates could have a drink with me so i could keep an eye on her she go very out of hand. rung my ex and caused a whole load of s**t with her for me. Also started to get very weard around me saying she loved me and trying to hug me. I managed to get her home that night and all was well i knew she was ok and nothing happened to her.
The following weekend she texted me saying she was out with one of her girl mates drinking, i was around a friends drinking myself she sent me texts asking if i has comdoms? i relpyed NO WHY? she texted back saying ok then you and your friend want a bj? i told her she was crazy my friend is ten years older then me and i said that was never going to happen! after that i found out where she was and went and found her. sat in a bin shead kissing her girl mate. i took the pair of them back to me and my mums flat and made them sleep in my bed and i crashed on the sofa. i didnt grass her up to her mum because i knew she would be grouned for months over it but i did sit her down and said this has got to stop!
the following night she got drunk again and was sending me texts saying she wnted to kiss me the night before, i replyed saying thats not going to happen! she my cusion and 13 i wouldnt do that and i would go to prison for something like that. I told her to stop being crazy. i knew her mum checked her phone every day so told her to get rid of the texts she sent and i wouldnt say anything as long as it stoped now! after that i stoped replying to texts from her as it was getting to much!
a couple of weeks later me and my friends went out to a lake to have a drink in the summer, my mum, arnty, cusion and her friend came along, my arnty allowed her to drink and she once again got out of hand, told me that day that she was sexualy active and had got rid of a baby bafore i didnt know if this was true, plus any chance she got she would hug me or touch my body ect as it was hot and i had no top on. she was found that day but her mum in a bush with her mate (a diffrent girl) kissing her. and that night stayed at the girls house. we aranged to have a bbq the following weekend at my arntys house with my friends and family. my couson was there but grouned for running away the night before and the police having to find her and her mates house.
at the bbq she was sneeking drink out of the fridge while we was outside. my best friends other half asked my arnty if she could stay with them for the night and she would try and have a word with her to sort her self out, so we ended up back at my friends flat there was myself and two other men there, we got through 3 750ml bottles of vodka and i was very drunk, my cousin was drinking also (beer) given to her by my friends other half.
i was asked by my mum and arnty to stay there the night i didnt want to but said i would, my cousin was sent to bed about 10.30pm in the spear room on her own, we carried on drinking my best mate said he had to go to bed as too drunk and our other friends left also, me and my friends other half had another drink or two and chatted, after a little while i said i had to sleep as room was spinning i layed on the sofa and was asleep after no time at all, next thing i know i was woken up by my mate at 9am with a coffee infront of me in the same place i layed down (fully dressed) then my cousin was woke up and we all spent most the day cleaning two car.
my cousin was asked a number of times if she wanted to go home and said no everytime, around 2pm that day i took her home after we had cleaned the cars and droped her off, the next day i got a call saying she had accused me of going in the bedroom and raping her! i was shocked! i went to the police station straight away handed myself in and gave them all the dna they wanted and helped them in anyway i could my interview was only 20-30 mins long. the police took bed sheets and my cloths from that night and bailed me, i returned for bail about a month ago but dna still wasnt back so got re-bailed till sep but they still think dna wont be back by then. my life has been turned upside down over this and it seams the police are trying to rewin my life before ive even been found gilty of anything. wanting statmens from my ex who has a daughter and because she said she didnt want to get involved they are saying they will get SS involved
since this has happened my cousin had run away again for a night and picked up by police back in this area after they moved away when this happened also she has accused her mum of punching her again and SS have found out its untrue and called her a complete lier
i dont know whats going to happen to me over this ive read storys on here of people getting put away for something they havent done
any advice would be a geate help and sorry again for going on so much but i just dont know where to turn for help
