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  • #16
    Kermit. Glad you got bail. Keep strong mate and hope your ordeal will be over before too much longer.


    • #17
      Glad you got bail Kermit, and well done to Kermit's partner for digging out the photographic evidence.
      Now you need to get your boxing gloves on - stay strong and keep coming back!


      • #18

        Hi everyone

        Sorry i did not come back last week and do an update after attending crown court, there has been so much evidence in my defense coming forward that it has taken over my life even more.

        After attending crown court and meeting with my barrister. My partner came with me and had evidence with her for the barrister, we had a good chat and even before he saw evidence the police accused my partner of lying about, he knew i was innocent and it made me feel better in myself, knowing someone other than family and friends know the truth I did not rape anyone! And that at last the ball is rolling and my evidence against my accussor is getting stronger. My barrister advised me to leave the court and try not to allow this accusation to consume my life or my families. As you all know that is easier said than done!
        My partner has dug up more information, i dont know how i would have got through the last few months without her support along with friends and family.
        I was so petrified going to crown court, i was not even sure i could walk inside. I met my barrister and had a chat.
        He put me at ease and gave me the truth about what was going to happen from now to any possible crown case, it was good to hear the truth not what i had been told by the Dc's investigating the alleged rape.
        I was told no plea would be done yet, it was just going to be a preliminary and the prosecution have until the 17th sept to produce there evidence. Then my evidence and witness statements will be collected.

        Unless my accusser admits she has lied then a possible trial date is Oct.

        The latest we have is my accuser does not want to go to court..why?
        Because she is a lying vicious manipulative attention seeking cow.

        My defense team have issued a summons to her!

        Will keep you all updated. Stay strong everyone my boxing gloves are on now.



        • #19
          Kermit, if you let me know which Crown court you will be in (via PM) I might know of some support groups who have a member who could attend to support you.

          It's moving on at a rate of knots now and the more practical support you have the better.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #20
            Good to hear you being so positive, Kermit. Hold on to that frame of mind! We are all rooting for you.


            • #21
              Hi all.

              UPDATE we are still waiting for the 17/09/10 for any evidence to be given to my defense team.My barrister says after that date, he will then start collecting statements from everyone that we have in my defense to prove i am innocent. Great news this week another lad has come forward with more information and is willing to stand up in court should my case be presented in court.


              • #22
                thats good news! keep your chin up hopefully this will all be over with soon.


                • #23
                  Great news! I hope this mightmare will soon be at an end for you.


                  • #24
                    Hi Kermit - Thank you for your kind message - words do actually mean a lot.

