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My Son

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  • My Son

    My son is 13 yrs old. He has not been accused of rape but when he started a new boys school aged 11 he was badly bullied.
    We have since found out he has aspergers and this gives him problems in social situations.
    He was suspended from school for 5 months as another child , who had previously bullied him accused my son of what was in effect sexual assault.
    My son says the boy kicked him and he responded by pulling the boy down some stairs. But the boy says my son grabbed him between the legs and pulled him downstairs by his ****
    There was no medical evidence, only the boys say so and a handful of his friends.

    5 months later when my son returned to school the same boy immediately complained that my son put his hand or fingers up his bum! Again no witnesses only the bully boy and his friends. School said this was grossly over exaggerated and brushed it under the carpet.

    However these 2 major allegations were also running alongside more minor allegations by these that my son became labelled as having sexualised behaviour and as I complained the school ended my contract and kicked my son out.

    I want to clear his name...but this was 2 to 3 yrs ago.

    Do you have any suggestions. Is it too late for me to report this to the police and ask them to investigate. Will they do so now. Also will these accusations stand up as only children witnessed them and there is evidence these children were bullying my son?

    I am really really desperate to get this awful label off my son. Any help would be so much appreciated as I cannot come to terms with what has happened.


  • #2
    i really would not go to the police. you might not clear your sons name but instead start legal procedings and make matters much worse. children can be witnesses in court and kids of 11 or older most certainly can and probably would be.

    if your son has left the school and there have been no more reports of these kinds of incidents then it shouldn't affect him in any way. i know you want to clear his name but the consequences could be the complete opposite.

    i'm no child psychologist but there are a number of obvious possible explanations for the other child's behaviour and even more i could never even think of. your son was probably just an easy target because of his social difficulties.
    "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


    • #3
      If this happened 2-3 years ago, it is potentially possible that one of the boys who were picking on your son could have developed a conscience. The only way I would take it to the police would be if I had a sworn statement from one of the boys saying that they made it up.

      Unfortunately, if you don't have such a statement then I would not recommend informing the police. In the best case, you are unlikely to get any reaction from them, as the school "dealt" with the matter at the time. And in the worst case scenario, they could contact the bullies, who may be all to happy to reiterate their lies to an officer.

      I'm sorry you find yourself here. I understand how it feels for a loved one to be falsely accused.



      • #4
        I was thinking myself it could open a whole new can of worms.....but I cannot get the whole situation out of my mind or come to terms with the unfairness of it all.
        Thanks for your help though...sometimes its hard to see clearly when you are stuck in the middle of a situation.

