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No different

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  • No different

    I'm not sure how to begin this nor indeed how much to really tell,I recently received my NFA after being accused of rape and although I new that I was innocent the relief that I felt has been short lived, now my feelings are anger and bitterness to put them mildly.Without the support of my wife I just don't know how I would of coped, the sleepless nights, the fear, the endless thoughts of my life slipping from right in front of me.Now we just take every day as comes, the words "Innocent until proven guilty" do not count in these cases.

    I'm hoping that things will get better in time


  • #2
    Originally posted by Skyessoulmate View Post
    I'm not sure how to begin this nor indeed how much to really tell,I recently received my NFA after being accused of rape and although I new that I was innocent the relief that I felt has been short lived, now my feelings are anger and bitterness to put them mildly.Without the support of my wife I just don't know how I would of coped, the sleepless nights, the fear, the endless thoughts of my life slipping from right in front of me.Now we just take every day as comes, the words "Innocent until proven guilty" do not count in these cases.

    I'm hoping that things will get better in time

    i can appreciate your feelings. I'm angry and upset and I have yet to clear my name and by the looks of stories on this forum I'm at the beginning of my ordeal, 3 months in. Innocent people accused of this crime all seem to be treated as if they are guilty.

    I was talking to the DCF (department of children and families) investigator for my case and when I told him my lawyer advised me not to talk to you he replied 'well that doesn't make you look good." The guy hadn't even talked to anyone about the case yet and he held my 5th amendment right (not sure what its called in Britain) as an inclination or admission of my guilt. Then he upheld the allegations against me. The Constitution in this country protects the rights of the people but when someone from the government violates your rights there is very little you can do.

    I know how you feel about being angry, I want to scream at these people. Something interesting my lawyer said, he said there is nothing you could possibly say that would get this people to unthink what they have already thought.

    Live the rest of your life cherishing your freedom and your cleared name. Some of us might not be as fortunate.
    veritas, amore et spes


    • #3
      Skyessoulmate, what you are feeling is not at all unusual. You need to go with the flow, take time out to relax (country walks and easy exercise) and maybe a trip to you GP might help.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #4

        Thanks for the comments,
        I try and keep positive sometimes this thing just gets on top of me,
        living in a smallish town where gossip is rife doesn't help,although I've not heard any rumours it makes me wonder when or if I do what my reaction will be.this may seem trivial compared with a lot of the stories here but everyone's problems have their own significance.



        • #5
          Can you take yourself off for a holiday somewhere for a couple of weeks, even if it's only 50 miles away and in lovely countryside or by the sea? It's amazing what a break from your ow locality can do for the soul!
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #6
            Don't think your pain is any less than those who have been pulled further down the line than you. Hurt is hurt. What is important is that you get through it.

            I echo what others have said. How you are feeling is not unusual. It will fade with time, but it won't ever go away altogether. Please remember that you are not alone.

