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  • #16
    Originally posted by witsend View Post
    Hi there, had a look at your link!!! that's frightening, but probably seems insignificant compared to what you are going through. Like another has said sorry you don't have the equivalent of the NHS. Did the meds actually help? I know through personal experience that I don't think I could have got through the nightmare of our son being falsely accused without the support of my GP and the medication he put me on.
    most of all I could not have coped without the support and advice of others on here.
    My prayers are with you.
    I have 30 xanax and I'm not sure if they need time to build up to work or its just an illusion when I take one during an anxiety attack. I try to use them sparingly as tomorrow who knows I could be arrested and it goes in the papers and the media and i'm pretty much considered guilty after that to most who are concerned.

    I'm just so tired of injustice, and this has been relatively mild compared to what so many other people on this forum have gone through and for that I'm grateful and sorry for those who went through worse.
    veritas, amore et spes


    • #17
      this is not medical advice and obviously you should speak to a doctor before changing the way you take the meds BUT xanax and related meds (lorazapam, diazapam etc) are often used PRN (patients take them when required not regularly) so they would work if you took them regularly and they are not meant to be used long term due to dependency. i have taken both lorazapam and diazapam in this way (this was how it was prescribed).

      r.e. god and being punished. i was raped, not falsely accused but i believe it still stands: i believe god gives you no more than you can deal with. that means you are stronger than you know
      "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


      • #18
        Originally posted by friday View Post
        this is not medical advice and obviously you should speak to a doctor before changing the way you take the meds BUT xanax and related meds (lorazapam, diazapam etc) are often used PRN (patients take them when required not regularly) so they would work if you took them regularly and they are not meant to be used long term due to dependency. i have taken both lorazapam and diazapam in this way (this was how it was prescribed).

        r.e. god and being punished. i was raped, not falsely accused but i believe it still stands: i believe god gives you no more than you can deal with. that means you are stronger than you know
        I'm just angry is all and I'm a person who rarely gets angry at anything except injustice. The way I have been treated through all this and knowing that when I go to clear my name at the DCF (department of children and families) hearing or if it goes to trial, which I hope to God it doesnt, that I have to hurt the school girls that i have always tried to protect. Everyone keeps telling me to save myself and let the girls deal with the consequences of their actions but I feel guilty for being forced to hand them over to the wolves and go through a nightmare with the police at their age.

        I'm sick and tired of feeling like this. My life has been held hostage for too long.

        The person i loved most in this world was raped and if ever I came close to killing someone it would have been her boyfriend, who raped her. I would never say being falsely accused of something is worse than actually being the victim but I think we both can understand the others pain.
        veritas, amore et spes


        • #19
          When to ask my lawyer to call the police and ask for an update

          I know all of you can appreciate the madness of waiting for your fate to be decided. My question is 'when you should I ask my lawyer to phone the police and ask for an update to the investigation or what is happening?'

          I thought perhaps at the 6th month mark if I have not been charged by then which would be oct 18th. I try not to ask my lawyer too many questions as he is 300$ an hour which is about 200 something pounds or 400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 lira

          Any suggestions from anyone?
          veritas, amore et spes


          • #20
            It would seem reasonable to ask. And the six month mark is as good a time as any.


            • #21
              I tried emailing the director of FAST here in America but she never replied and it's been awhile. I found out on their website that they are no longer accepting new cases now.

              A question for those who may know:

              On June 17 or so the police came and took my cellphone (LG voyager VX10000). I assume their intent was to take it to the crime lab and do what ever it is that they do to phones looking for any info to hang me. I'm just wondering if in anyone's experience might be what is taking so long, that they are dismantling my phone (which unfortunately cost me alot of money)

              However, according to some of the posts I have read by people online the type of phone I have can't have information like text messages retrieved because of the type of memory.

              I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing for me because the messages would help clear me and show she is lying. Anyone have any insight as to whether or not this could be the hold up and when realistically it would be proper for me to ask my lawyer to get my phone back.

              ***quick additional information*** the school I taught at was more like an orphanage than a boarding school so teachers were almost encouraged to talk with students about their problems and stuff, most teachers texted the kids and vice versa. kinda messed up now that i look at it.

              Either way, I was acussed of propositioning my student via text which were conveniently and suspiciously deleted by her even though after she told the truth tho the police she then lied and made all this stuff up.****

              sorry, I tried to keep it short but it might be confusing
              veritas, amore et spes


              • #22
                I've emailed the Director of FAST as it is most unusual for them to not get back to somebody needing support. I'll let you know what she says later.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #23
                  well I guess they are over burdened with cases as the websites says.

                  Its just all this waiting is driving me crazy.

                  From what i read in the DCF report the girl does not want to testify against me (shocker) but at the same time i should be happy that they haven't arrested me as my lawyer said bail for something like these accusations could be 150k. In this country you are arrested first then arraigned and at the arraignment bail is set and you are on bail till you are cleared or sentenced.

                  I just believe I have a right to know what is happening with the investigation. In some ways I would rather be charged so I can finally start fighting this. I have not made any statements to either the police or child services and the statements they do have from those involved contradict each other but from what i read I doubt that makes any difference to most of these guys.

                  Also, still, if anyone has the answer to my question about my phone I would appreciate it. I can't afford to replace it and I hope to God its not going to sit in a processing line for a year or two till they get to it and make me wait till then.

                  much thanks
                  veritas, amore et spes


                  • #24
                    police won't return lawyers phone calls

                    So in the latest development to my situation, it's been five months since the police launched an investigation into my alleged misconduct and they refuse to return my lawyers phone calls asking for an update. My lawyer suggested that my father should give them a call. Any ideas????
                    veritas, amore et spes

