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  • #31
    thanks for the support, kind of picks me up a bit, knowing that theres people out there who are interested in this matter [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blush.gif[/img]


    • #32
      Have to say that was a very horrible time for me, but its over now, the police drop the charges, didn’t say why...
      An explanation would have been nice... Wish there was something I could do to show her what it feels like...The stress and Stigma I think I have aged ten years... thanks again for your support....


      • #33
        It&#39;s a shame you had to go through that, but it&#39;s good to know you&#39;ve no longer got the worry of it hanging over you.

        Best wishes for the future.
        My self-help articles on problems ranging from depression and phobias to marriage difficulties, to looking after children and teenagers, to addictions and destructive behaviours like anorexia, to bullying, to losing weight, to debating skills:
        And my article: How to Avoid Falling for Many False Claims or Fears of the Supernatural


        • #34
          Thank you [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blush.gif[/img]


          • #35
            what are the statistics of false accusation and why are they not used in court
            we hear enough about rapists stats but nothing about the falsly acused
            as for our justice system boils down the indidual accused
            who is not in a fit state to defend or search for the evidence needed to clear their names
            anything they say is not followed up by the police

            i speak as a man who has never been accused of any sex offense but worry about the trend
            that as been going on for many years.

            i have known many a person in your situation.


            • #36
              My false accusing wife was shown to have lied on 2 occasions by my barrister but the judge basically told her she had contradicted herself and that was different to what she had said in her police statement, she changed what she said and got away with it.

              I was on the verge of getting the transcripts and going to the police with them and getting her charged for perjury etc. I was told by my arresting detective that the CPS would probably not charge her as it wasnt in the public intrest at which point he had a verbal talking to of my good self.

              So My wife made a false accusation of 2 counts of rape to help win custody and as revenge for me meeting a lovely women 1 week after she told me the marraige was over.

              The records will just show a not guily result and this false allegation is not recorded. Like rape statistics False rape stats vary hugely between stats recorded and those that dont meet the recording criteria.


              • #37
                Suing false accusers

                You can go down the route of suing her in the civil courts however that would cost a fortune.

                Maybe we should start up a database of alse accusers so at least we would have a list to refer to every time somebody is falsely accused.

                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #38
                  I shouldnt complain really because I am back with my wife and living as happily as we can so I dont think a Civil action would go down well. lol!

                  The shame she has had to face in admitting she had mental health isssues and did it out of revenge and to keep the kids to her and my family is enough punishment for her in my eyes.

                  My anger is at the system being so open and to an extent encouraging of false accusers.

                  I would encourage others to take civil action though as the publicity may stop others going down this route.

                  A court would be unlikely to allow a register of false accusers and if a false accuser on the register made another false accusation it wouldnt be allowed as it would be deemed as trying to diminish her character.

                  Police need to investigate claims and background as they do in a murder enquiry and not just send two statements of to the cps for someone in an office to see if it meets home office criteria to charge!

                  rant over

