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  • #16
    Hi Janey

    FASO's address is, though their phone number is 0870 241 66 50. They are open 6.00pm till midnight Monday to Friday..

    The website seems to have been down for maintainance recently but was back up when I looked today.



    • #17
      Janey and Mrs Unhappy

      You seem to have been given excellent advice and I can't really add to it, except in some circumstances compensation actually can be an issue. I have recently reviewed a case where the accuser applied for compensation from CICA 20 months prior to the trial. Rather presumptious!

      It might be worth looking at your accuser's financial circumstances - if they have applied for monetary gain, when was this and are/were they in debt? It can provide a strong motive and would be looked at if the circumstances are exceptional.

      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #18
        hi rights fighter we asked are solicitor to do that but he didn't even tho we said she was doing it for financial gain....


        • #19
          Thanks RF

          We will ask this of our solicitor if it comes to that. Just counting the days down now till we go to the police station. Do you think we should ask the solicitor to ring the station before hand to see whats going to be happening at this meeting as we have to travel about 170 miles to get to the station?

          Things seem to be getting worse for us though as I spent the easter weekend away from him with my family and he spent it with his. I'm trying to keep it togther but its just so hard.



          • #20
            Hi Janey

            you can check yourself if your solicitor wont do it for you. All you need to do is contact the CICA and pay a search fee. They are obliged to tell you if your husband is named in any of their files.

            Their phone number is 0207 842 6800 or 0141 331 5544 and I think that the disclosure fee is ?12.50.

            You should certainly contact the police station, or get your solicitor to do it, to find ou if attendance is neccesary. You have to brace yourself for the fact that the police may just rebail your husband if they have not finished their enquiries.

            Good luck with it



            • #21
              Hi Maria and Janey!

              Maria can you email me with regards to your solicitor?

              I am now working for a solicitor in Southport who will be far more amenable to your problems.

              Janey, Val L has been giving you some very good advice. It is likely that your husband will be rebailed as he said. You must get your solicitor to clarify what it is you are expected to be there for. I might be wrong but if you are on benefits you might be able to claim travelling expenses. I am sure Val will put me right if I am wrong! I am sure expenses can be claimed once a trial is ongoing, if it gets that far.

              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

              PAFAA details ~


              • #22
                hi rights fighter its not my husband that got accused it was my son he is now fighting to clear his name, he is not in prison he's on offenders list and on probabtion x


                • #23
                  Hello all,

                  Things have been terrible lately. After going back to the station a few weeks ago my husband was re-bailed, now we have to wait until the end of May to go back to the station again. Its killing our relationship, he's been in denial for so long and it's got to the stage where we are both living separate lives. He has finally contacted another solicitor other that the duty one that he had to try and get some information on whats happening with the case. I'm going with him to the appointment on Monday 9th May. Does anyone have some advice on what questions we shoud ask? Are we entitled to copies of the girls statement or does he need to be charged before we can have access to anything like that.

                  Any advice appreciated

                  Janey x


                  • #24
                    Hi Janey

                    I am not sure if you are allowed to see her statement until your husband has actually been charged. this is mainly to prevent the defendant "making up" a defence based on what the "victim" has said.

                    Your solicitor should try to get as much information from the police about the alleged incident as possible. If your husband refuses to make a statement until he knows the nature of the charges against him (ie: was she asleep, was she tied up, etc) then the police will have no option but to reveal what she is stating.

                    With regard to the questions to ask your solicitor, make sure you question him/her on EVERYTHING. Many people in the legal profession like to maintain an air of mystery about their jobs, but these are your LIVES on the line, and you need to know everything. Go through what you already know, and pick it to bits. Question your solicitor on everything you are not sure about, and don't allow yourself to be fobbed off. If your solicitor says something is not relevant, get them to explain why it is not relevant. This is incredibly important, and you need to be armed with as much information as possible.

                    I will keep everything crossed for you. I know it's really tough to be continually strong. I wish you luck, and my thoughts are with you.



                    • #25
                      I found this page, it’s a horrible thing to say, Thank god other people are going through this, but now I am a little more at ease to find this true,
                      I am going through this right now, my girlfriend accused me of raping her at a new years party around her friends house... it’s the most horrible feeling ever imaginable.
                      I have had some bad things happen to me in the past, nothing has ever changed me the way just the accusation has done.
                      She has said that I got on her, ripped her cloths and raped her. You hear those words… I can imagine what you are thinking already. Whist we all had a lot to drink that night, I would have remembered doing something that demeaning, I know myself, I have had over 30 year to understand myself, I don’t believe that happened. My friends, the one who I have confided in are behind me. I remember the night pretty well and mine and her stories seems to match up, apart from the time I was flat out asleep,
                      I didn’t know this girl for long, she is a nurse I met her a couple of weeks before Christmas, everything was real good between us, in a short space of time we had fun, laughter, romance and passion, met her friends and family. Then this! It s like a bad dream, I am awaiting DNA evidence, any witness statements or to be charged.
                      They say the victims of rape goes though a terrible ordeal, I think this is the same or worse for the accused.
                      After reading lot of news article, written by people with the law and the public, my worries are pushed further. May be I should not worry and have every faith in the Justice system.
                      The words from my solicitor, when I asked him if he had dealings with this before, and he replied” I have had dealings with a few of these type of cases over the last few months, there are a couple of men that are still awaiting there fate. The man I believed to have done it got off, and the man I thought was innocent was sent to prison.”
                      No way! I want to be prepared for any thing they throw at me; I know how the police work,

                      If anyone has some information of barrister, solicitor with proven track records in this field anywhere in the south that would be a great help

                      I know you have your own problems too, and after reading this I have a feeling it’s going to get allot worse before it gets better, if there is such a thing.


                      • #26
                        Hi There

                        yep, its a horrible feeling allright - I know as ive been through it myself.

                        I was found not guilty, went after the cow for perjury and she topped herself rather than stand trial - very public spirited of her.

                        The best solicitor/barrister combination that I can reccomend is Catherine Lavender (no relation) of Luton and Wendy Fisher-Gordon.

                        Regards [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/heart.gif[/img]


                        • #27
                          where are they based? as i could not find them on the internet


                          • #28
                            If you go to the website of FASO (False Allegations Support Organisation) they should be able to give you advice on specialist solicitors.
                            My self-help articles on problems ranging from depression and phobias to marriage difficulties, to looking after children and teenagers, to addictions and destructive behaviours like anorexia, to bullying, to losing weight, to debating skills:
                            And my article: How to Avoid Falling for Many False Claims or Fears of the Supernatural


                            • #29
                              I think it the wrong time to be accused of rape... not that there is a right time....
                              Still waiting for DNA results. Stressed out and worried about my future. In my situation I don’t know what to do. If I recalled any sexual activity that night. Then I would have told the police from the beginning. I don’t, because I was flat out asleep when she said the assault took place. I knew she was on her period as I was in a relationship with her so had no intention of going there.
                              Reaction from some people have been good but I cant help thinking that its false and I don’t know what people really think, I told a along time friend who I knew was raped violently and had been through this. After talking the afternoon away. I got support from her she recommend hypnotherapy. To see if it could shed any light as to what really happened when I was asleep, clutching straws I guess and I am not to shaw about some one messing with my head.
                              That night I said to her friend I had been assaulted as a child. My friends believe that’s the reasons she went to the police. My mind been busy with this for months. When I was going out with her I also recall her reading a book 50 ways to dump your boyfriend. And in the car that night on the way to the New Years Eve party, talking to her. I told her that she was lovely, she repined to me "You don’t know me, I am right evil *****". I shrugged it off. But now in this situation I can’t help thinking that I could have been set up, that her feeling towards me were not genuine... Christ I have thought about every thing. I thought what if I had done something, that I might be wired wrong or a have split personality, then what would I do? I don’t believe that and am assured by my friends and by my girlfriend that I am not that person. I am seeing someone again, I was going out with her before and we lived together and now I started seeing her again, it’s hard as I really love her and cherish the support. But I also just want to push her away because I can’t bare her upset by this and also her blaming herself for our break down in the first place and me getting involved with her, it’s not her fault that I am in this situation.
                              I wanted to move on and thought I had met someone I got on when with, liked and could see a future with...

                              Sorry&#33; Just losing it... feeling real low

                              Just waiting for some thing to happen and thinking


                              • #30
                                Sorry to hear you&#39;re feeling so down.

                                It does seem unlikely that you would have committed the crime, by the sound of it.

                                Hypnotism might not be a good idea, because people can develop false memories sometimes.
                                My self-help articles on problems ranging from depression and phobias to marriage difficulties, to looking after children and teenagers, to addictions and destructive behaviours like anorexia, to bullying, to losing weight, to debating skills:
                                And my article: How to Avoid Falling for Many False Claims or Fears of the Supernatural

