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so relieved

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  • so relieved

    i have been following this forum for months and read the heartbreaking stories. my own son was falsley accused 4 and a half months others on here he has been to hell and back, threatened suicide he is a completely changed person. we have just been told there is to be no further action, we are grateful for this but devastated over the ordeal he has been put through, its unbelievable that some womens lies could cause such devastation both to him and the rest of the family.i dont think the general public understand how easy it is for women to make false accusations that could result in a prosecution.the really annoying part is the womens lies will not be investigated, the case has been dropped and she has got away without a stain on her character.his solicitor insists that the n.f.a will not show up on any enhanced disclosure,crb check, but will stay on police file. i hope by posting this it might give others hope that there is light at the end of a long tunnel for them, although i realise until they hear the words n.f.a they will not feel any thoughts are with you all i really hope and pray that you get the same outcome as my son. good luck.
    Last edited by relieved; 7 July 2010, 12:44 PM.

  • #2
    thank you for posting relieved and very pleased that you have got the right result.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Dear relieved that great news..


      • #4
        thank you so much for your kind words


        • #5
          I'm so pleased your case was NFAd.
          Be prepared for it to take a while to get "Back to normal". You have been through a huge ordeal and life won't just suddenly click back into place.

          I hope that we have been of some support.


          • #6
            its a been a great help and support reading threads, i am just so sorry that there are so many others going through the same as my son and family. the solicitor explained to me at the begining of our nightmare that these false allegations are made all the time its a regular occurence. it shocks me that these false accusers are not made to pay the price for the upsetment they cause not to mention wasting police time and the thousands of pounds it costs.although i agree rape is a terrible crime there should be some protection for the innocents that lose months of their lives constantly worrying they will be prosecuted for a crime they have not commited. lets hope the latest government bring back anonymity for men accused in these cases.thank you to all for the help and support you provide on this forum.
            p.s i kept a close watch on social networking sites,its amazing the information i found out sometimes tracing friends of friend etc and reading what was being discussed about the case, it was eventually handed to police to investigate it
            Last edited by relieved; 7 July 2010, 03:56 PM. Reason: added information

