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  • #31
    If it's pros witnesses asking you for money then that only helps your case in that they cannot be relied upon as truthful and honest witnesses.

    If they are asking the accusers for money then the same applies. If it is they asking the accusers for money then how are the texts coming into your possession?

    You need to be clear otherwise I cannot advise properly.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #32
      sorry i will try to make it a bit clearer

      He was accused when he went to visit a friend away from home. The accuser and her friends (procecution witnesses) that were there with her that night are friends with his friend.

      it is his friend whom they text and speak with and he passes everything on to me and he also has contact with my bf solicitor.

      basicaly 2 of them are telling him that they dont want to be involved becuase they know she is lying and her other 2 friends/witnesses are trying to make money out of the situation which i dont think a friend would do if they thought you were telling the truth.

      its stiil confusing does it make more sense now?

      just had an email he is being seen in court tomorrow for his bail application they have asked that i be there.


      • #33
        The person who has the texts on his phone should really hand the SIM or phone (depending on which the messages are saved) over to the defence solicitor asap. If that means that the friend will be without his phone then so be it - either that or an innocent man could go to prison for a very lone time.

        He could still keep his number and have it transferred to another phone so the messages can keep coming.

        Best of luck tomorrow with the bail hearing.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #34
          thanks and thanks for all the advice it is much appreciated


          • #35
            sorry to be a pest everyone i have just been told that one of the procecution witnesses has contacted the officer in charge to say that she did not want to go to court as she knows the accuser is lying.

            the officer told her she could not drop her statment as it was to late she continued to protest to him that she wanted nothing to do with it and would not be going to court and then he said ok that she wouldnt have to go.

            does this sound right shouldn she have to go into the station to formal drop her statement i dont know how this works.

            i am meeting with his solicitor at the court tommorrow


            • #36
              I think you need to inform your solicitor that this witness refuses to take part, along with his/her details if you know them.

              The worry is that if the police just drop this person from their case and not tell the court why they are no longer using them.
              That person and the story about them could be a very big help to the defence case, which is why I'd make sure your solicitor knows the whole story and then it's up to him if he chooses to bring it up in court, which I am sure he will.


              • #37
                Originally posted by LS View Post
                I think you need to inform your solicitor that this witness refuses to take part, along with his/her details if you know them.

                The worry is that if the police just drop this person from their case and not tell the court why they are no longer using them.
                That person and the story about them could be a very big help to the defence case, which is why I'd make sure your solicitor knows the whole story and then it's up to him if he chooses to bring it up in court, which I am sure he will.

                You are quite right LS. I've known the police suddenly drop a prosecution witness at trial - too late for defence to make use of them.

                Make sure that your solicitor has the contact details for this person and that he is instructed to interview him.

                Despite what the police say THERE IS NO PROPERTY IN A WITNESS - so you can make use of this one. Time is of the essence so do this now.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #38
                  thanks guys

                  just to say thanks for all the advice and support and to let everyone know that the case has been dropped and my bf has been found not guilty and realised finally they realised that he did nothing and that it was all lies.


                  • #39
                    So did she give evidence in the end or was the trial held using her statement as her evidence in chief?
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • #40
                      the case was dropped it did not go in front of a jury it was dropped 2weeks before the trial


                      • #41
                        Great news, hp. Does make one wonder if they clung on till the 11th hour hoping they could get it into a court with a sliver of a chance of a conviction.

                        Glad they could not, and dropped it. Common sense prevails once again.


                        • #42
                          Sorry - when you said your BF had been found not guilty that was why I thought it had gone to trial.

                          It's great he didn't have to suffer the trauma of a trial.
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • #43
                            That's fantastic news, HP. I hope you and your BF can put this behind you and start enjoying life again


                            • #44
                              fantastic news
                              "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


                              • #45
                                Great news !!!!

                                HP thats great news Hope you all manage to get over this ordeal, it will take time but the worst is over

