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  • #16
    thanks guys all i can do now is pray they let him out im really missing him and im sure its going to be easier to sort out his defence if he is on bail


    • #17
      he is still not out on bail the solicitor said it was gonna happen monday but it hasnt he just keep saying the court are being really slow and that it hasnt been listed yet what does this mean?


      • #18
        It means that your sol hasn't managed to get it back into court yet. It's a case of finding a free slot, as the courts are usually booked up for trials weeks in advance, and everyone else wants to get in at a moment's notice.
        Don't panic, a slot will come free soon enough.


        • #19
          thanks LS i was getting worried cause it has been a week now the solicitor has put it in writting to the court now as well.

          the procecution have dropped all objections to bail i just really need him home


          • #20
            It's great news that the prosecution have dropped objections to bail - it means that he will be coming home. It's just a matter of time as LS says.


            • #21
              he is still not out on bail so stressed out although i have recently found out that 2 of the prosecution witnesses want to drop there statments because of what the accuser has been saying and the way she has been acting.

              also have evidence of another witness asking for money and a car to drop their statments its disgusting that he is in prison for something he hasnt done dont these people have any consience

              and evidence from the same witnesse stating she only told the police what the accuser had asked her to tell them

              what can i do keep trying to contact the officer in charge he is never avaliable and never gets back to me
              Last edited by LS; 3 August 2010, 10:07 PM. Reason: Changed by LS to cover nature of evidence


              • #22
                Okay, you've gone offline without replying.

                Whatever you do, do NOT take any of those proofs of evidence to the police officer in charge. He will take them off you and it is likely that they will get lost, so you won't be able to use them to help your boyfriend.

                You need to take those items to his solicitor and let him show them to the court as evidence. That way many people are aware that they exist, and your evidence cannot go missing.
                Last edited by LS; 3 August 2010, 10:08 PM.


                • #23
                  Sorry LS didnt realise i had gone offline i have sent you a pm


                  • #24
                    Thanks. I have replied to you via PM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by helpplease View Post
                      he is still not out on bail so stressed out although i have recently found out that 2 of the prosecution witnesses want to drop there statments because of what the accuser has been saying and the way she has been acting.

                      also have evidence of another witness asking for money and a car to drop their statments its disgusting that he is in prison for something he hasnt done dont these people have any consience

                      and evidence from the same witnesse stating she only told the police what the accuser had asked her to tell them

                      what can i do keep trying to contact the officer in charge he is never avaliable and never gets back to me

                      The police should know that these witnesses have declined to assist their case if that is true. You say he has a solicitor on board so he should have made a representation to the police to clarify these matters. If he's refusing to do this then maybe you should suggest to him that you will seek further anew representation.
                      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                      PAFAA details ~


                      • #26
                        RF is right that the police should be told (I was wrong), but do not give them the evidence you have. Keep that for the solicitor.


                        • #27
                          It looks to me as though the "evidence" could be word of mouth. Whatever you do HP do not approach those prosecution witnesses as you could then be accused of intimidation/harassment.
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • #28
                            its quite complicated but the two witnesses have not spoken with the officer in charge he has been on annual leave and even when he is around it is hard to see him i have no contact with the witnessses at all should it maybe be put in writing to the police.

                            It is a friend of theirs and he is a friend of the accussed that speaks with them and texts.

                            they have text asking for cars and money to drop the statments and have also stated that it is the accuser that is intimidating them

                            one saying i want to drop my statment but i will get to much **** of her the accuser for it

                            another saying i want to drop my statment but i cant i will get to much **** im sorry

                            another saying i only told the police what she the accuser asked me to tell them

                            so there are 2 that realise it would not be right to go to court because they know she is lying and then their are the other 2 that obviously dont believe thier friend the accuser and tried to make a quick buck by blackmail offering to drop thier statments for money and a car


                            • #29
                              Sorry I am confused - who has texted whom asking for cars and money in return dropping statements?

                              Is this the accuser asking for cars and money to drop the charges or the prosecution witnesses asking for cars and money from the accused, to drop the statements?

                              The other texts should be preserved and handed to the solicitor asap.
                              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                              PAFAA details ~


                              • #30
                                the texts are from the prosecution witnesses and it is also them asking for cars and money

