have anyone had any experience or heard anything about judge peter heywood?
No announcement yet.
Looks like he's on the Welsh circuit
His Honour Judge Heywood Wales 1 December 2008
Here's one of several links
http://www.thisissouthwales.co.uk/news/Distraught-pensioner-rages-jail-sentence-drugs-factory/article-594427-detail/article.htmlPeople Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
briefly my bf has been falsley accused and charged with rape and is being held on remand , a trial date has been set.
the girl who has recently been re interviewed by the police any suggestions on why they would re interview her?
she has also been telling her friends that she wants to go to the police and tell them that she made a mistake but her mother wont let her they are worried she will get in trouble.
what can i do the officer in charge is on leave untill aug 3rd
thanks for that, i was asking because i think that he is the judge that will be at my boyfriends trial.
briefly my bf has been falsley accused and charged with rape and is being held on remand , a trial date has been set.
the girl who has falsely accused him has recently been re interviewed by the police any suggestions on why they would re interview her?
she has also been telling her friends that she wants to go to the police and tell them that she made a mistake but her mother wont let her they are worried she will get in trouble.
her friends that are witnesses for the procecution are also now stating that they dont want to go to court. but none of them have actualy told the police
what can i do the officer in charge is on leave untill aug 3rd
can someone please give me some advice
i now have a text message from her best friend stating that her mother has said she can not tell the police she made a mistake after he has been in prison for that long.
basicaly she is addmiting that she has lied and her mothers pride is stoping her from going to the police. and she is worrried that her daughter will get in trouble if she tells the poice she has made a mistake at this late stage.
im going crazy what can i doany suggestions would be grately appreciated
Yes he/s been in prison for some time - the mother should have somebody go around and tell her what life is like for an alleged rapist in prison.
Better late than never - she should come clean because if she does not, and he is found not guilty then she could be in trouble for perverting the course of justice for withholding evidence. The mum needs some kind, sympathetic support as does anybody else who can prevent a conviction.People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
how can i make her see sense what should i do with the message should it be shown to the police or should it be given to his solicitor?
how can someone be so auwful it is terrible seeing him in that prison knowing he has not done anything to justify being there.
think i have aged about 10 years in ten weeks it has not only hurt him but his family and friends too.
all i can do is pray that they do the right thing thanks for the advice
Hand nothing to the police as if you have an unscrupulous OIC he or she will hide the evidence and then pretend that you never handed it over.
Get a copy of it sent to the solicitor and let them deal with it.Last edited by Rights Fighter; 11 July 2010, 03:11 PM. Reason: Using RFLH's laptop and it doesn't have a spell-check/typo check on it!People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
Tell the solicitor and let him/her deal with it.People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
You will need to ask the solicitor that. I doubt on its own it work help but the barrister could apply to have it admitted ito the evidence so the jury can hear it. It is up to the judge to allow it to be admitted.People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
had a phone call from my bf solicitor to say that the procecution have dropped objections to bail and that my bf will be coming out on bail i dont want to get my hopes up what do you think his chances are ?
just to have him out on bail will make things so much easier to deal with
any one had any experience of being reileased on bail have being remanded for over 2months ????
A member of the group I run came out on bail after being on remand for six months - a gentleman of 60 years who can't walk properly and has no passport! He went to live with his wife until trial.
There will of course be conditions to the bail and as long as he adheres to them rigidly he should be ok.People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
I was on bail after being on remand for 4 months. The bail conditions were pretty straightforward -
1. To reside at, and to sleep each night at, the address specified.
2. Not to contact any of the "witnesses" directly or indirectly.
I had further conditions added, such as not to enter a particular town, although this was later dropped. Much of it is common sense really and you'd have to do something really stupid to fall foul of bail conditions. Take it as read anything silly like getting into a fight or shoplifting would have a bad effect on your bail.