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My husband is being falsely accused of rape by a former girlfriend

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  • My husband is being falsely accused of rape by a former girlfriend

    My husband had an affair with my friend in 2005 who is a married woman. The girl send me an e-mail via my facebook. Saying that she was sorry she made my husband her close friend but she never slept with husband despite only being good friend. But my husband was in love with her. her.She went to Belgium but decided to go to Africa to go and see if she still had a chance with the husband before she committed adultery.I was so upset and my husband called to ask what was she looking for in telling all those stories. The next day, the police called my husband at the police station and inform him that the girl has accused him of raping her 6 times in 2005 and 2006. My husband explained them his story and gave the copy of the mail that she send to me. We have not heard anything from the police. What can happen to my husband now?

  • #2
    You have to wait to see what the police intend to do. They will "investigate" (gather evidence to ensure a conviction) and if they do not gather enough "evidence" then either they will NFA it, or the matter will be sent to the Crown for their decision.

    The Crown will then decide whether to proceed or to NFA.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      Thanks for your advice. The waiting is anagony after reading all those stories of people going to jail because of lies. We have decided not to talk about it anymore as it is really ruinning our life. Thanks.


      • #4
        That's okay, Consolata, I respect your wishes as would everyone else here.

        What I will say is that have a read through our site; you will see that many cases are NFA'd (dropped), but there is also a lot of advice given for retaining evidence, and how to cope.
        You don't have to reply or write, but have a read and see if there's anything which may help.
        I wish you luck.


        • #5
          Nicely said LS. And echoed
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~

