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  • #31
    no maria he does not he feels safe but it has come in handy as he has just been arrested again and when i get all the details i need i will get the tracea phone to track where he was its a bloody night mare im so glad i had val vallender i turned to him and he has been an angel stayed up all night with me on the phone and pc trying to help me.

    thanks val



    • #32
      Val, contacting Snoopy sounds like a good idea; I'll contact her when Stacey has some specific questions Snoopy could answer or especially needs support.
      My self-help articles on problems ranging from depression and phobias to marriage difficulties, to looking after children and teenagers, to addictions and destructive behaviours like anorexia, to bullying, to losing weight, to debating skills:
      And my article: How to Avoid Falling for Many False Claims or Fears of the Supernatural


      • #33
        Thank you everybody for these offers!! I have to say that one of the most difficult things about my experience has been not knowing a lot about the process, which has made it very intimidating. The thing is, I've never needed to know these things before, so when I needed to, and realised that I didn't, I was a tad overwhelmed by it!!
        Basically the current situation is that I and my friends have made all their statements about what happened, and I was told that I would be contacted when he is released from questioning. That was on February 22nd, so God knows what is going on. I don't know about these things, but it seems to be taking a while!! All I know is that CID do want to arrest him for questioning. After that, I have no idea....the waiting game, eh?


        • #34
          Here's a link to an article by the Metropolitan Police with advice on what people can expect from the police after they've been raped. It has a contact number for anyone in that area to ring if they don't feel the service they've been given has matched up to the promises. If you're not in that area, it does say you can speak to the police officer who's been allocated to help you.
          My self-help articles on problems ranging from depression and phobias to marriage difficulties, to looking after children and teenagers, to addictions and destructive behaviours like anorexia, to bullying, to losing weight, to debating skills:
          And my article: How to Avoid Falling for Many False Claims or Fears of the Supernatural


          • #35
            hi sue i'm so sorry to hear that the police have arrested your son again, i hope he will be ok it looks like they might have it in for him now its a good job he has this phone, and can prove where he was at the time, this is what i fear with my son, even tho he's had no problems in over a yr saying that probation beleive him and so do the police, so that helps, i'm aslo glad that you have got the support on here val is brill i wont be on the board for a while after tomorrow but will keep bobbing on when i can after i come oout of hospital, good luck i hope you and your son will be ok take care all see you all soon xoxoxoxox


            • #36
              hiya maria, yes my son is ok now, he has been released on unconditionaly bail as the woman did not pick him out, on the viper video I.d [ for you that dont know what that is its a new video i.d that the police use] but its the trauma that they have put my son through.

              They tricked him into going to the police station and saying they wanted him to answer a few questions and they was nothing to worry about they had not arrested him, until he arrived at the police station and in the custody suite, they said that he was under arrest on suspicion, this was police harrassment big time on my son being on the sex offenders register, i will be glad when his appeal goes through and he is cleared.

              We had been warned this would happen to him by val, but, the worst nightmare came true, that is why im glad i had a tracker on his mobile which puts him at least a mile away from the attack, also the woman said this man was about 28yrs old my son is only 20 and does not look it he looks younger than his age.

              With vasl's help im putting in a strong complaint on behalf of my son of the harrassment and that im not prepared to let them bully my son to keep their numbers up.

              But thanks for ur concern maria i am most grateful knowing ppl out there are thinking of us.


              • #37
                the tracking company i use for mobiles traceAmobile really does work as it showed my son a mile away at the time of this supposed serious attack, so it does work and worth the money i paid to have it up and running not only for my son but also the whole family, as now i truely do not trust the police.

                I know val will be sick of me saying it lol, but, val i would sincerely like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the help you gave me, staying up all night and helping me with solicitors and everything your a star and also your partner please thank her for being so understanding, without your help i dont know what i would have done being there for me helped me a lot val, so once again, a big thank you and big hugs to u and your partner.


                • #38
                  For anybody that is interested there is a new website called JGC run by Vallavender, to get to it if you tpye and click on JGC it will bring the site up, there is some of it not completeld, they r getting there, but, i think you will find like i did its a good web site.

                  I have two letters in there, the second one will be in by late this evening as i have just sent it now, but the interesting thing about it is it names and shames some of the women that have falsely accused men of rape or attempted rape, i know when my sons appeal is over the woman that accused him of attempted raqpe will be added to the list.

                  I know a judge tried to get a register up to name and shame and was told he could not do it, victim support and all these other do gooders said it was wrong and would send out a wrong message.

                  How can u send a wrong message, if u have been raped genuinely then you have no worries you will not be added, they have a register in america so why not hear, these women cannot get away with ruin peoples lives and hope to stay annonmous they name the accused, so about time the named the accusers in false allegations.

                  So well done val on this website its grat and helps ppl like me and my son to show we will not stand by and let this farsical law in uk get away with it.

                  This is a good sight so if u have a spare minute go and have a look please.


                  • #39
                    To everybody on broadcaster forum,

                    I mentioned about a tracking system on my sons phone called Trace A Mobile and said how good it was, it is but i found out yesterday when i wanted to back track a couple of days to locate where my son was on friday after he had been arrested to prove where he was.

                    The problem i found is they only track that day, so for instance if u could not get hold of them at trace a mobile over the weekend like i could not u r stuffed basically, so i found it a waste of money on that part but ok on the other.

                    Just thought you should know val lavender and i are trying to find some different companies that will do back tracking, one of us will let you know how we get on.



