Hi all, my 19 year old son was arrested last night for rape, I just don't know what I can do. Should I seek out a solicitor or just leave it to the duty solicitor and then try to speak to him/her? How would I find out how to get hold of the duty solicitor? All I know at the moment is that a 'serious allegation' has been made and he was arrested and held overnight and is to be questioned today. I already knew that he had seen a girl this week and that they had consentual heavy petting, to put it politely, but it turned out the girl had a boyfriend who she told about this heavy petting, he then warned my son off by telephoning my partner as we know him. At this point nothing was said about any kind of force. We told my son that both he and the girl where wrong as she had a boyfriend and we thought that was the end of it! I am at a loss, I just don't know what to do or where to start
Advice desperately needed.
