When I was 18 yo, I got my fist apartment. It was 1988 and the hair and spandex were in. I spiked my hair to the ceiling and had absolutely NO probs picking up girls. I had a roommate, His name was Steve F. We had parties at out apartment every single weekend as we were young metal heads. I meet this Mexican girl who came to our party’s often. " Judy" She had a secret crush on me for some time. One night i kissed her, one thing led to another and we started messing around. That was it though as she was a virgin and was a little nervous. Weeks went by. My roommate, Steve, he was jealous of me. I was a very cute guy and he was ...well...dorky but he was my friend (so I though) A few weeks later this girl "Judy" was at one of our parties. She was bragging to me that she had sex and lost her virginity to a guy well known in the area of East Hartford. "Eric C" She ended up drinking and was following me around. She was a very good looking woman. She had a friend with her "Monique" Judy was drunk and got me alone with this girl in my room. She was going on in a very flirtatious manor of witch i didn’t mind at all! I was 18! She had told me she lost her virginity and wanted me so bad. The other girl wanted to get involved. By this time everyone went home. I had sex with this girl "Judy" and her friend was involved however i did not have intercourse with her. After we were done, an hour went by and we ended up in the bathroom. WE started having sex. It went on for like 5 min on the sink. She started to get soar and told me I had to hurry or stop. I told her I was almost there. And bang... It was over. She started out enjoying it, infect she initiated it again in the bathroom. Everything was great. I wanted to date this girl. She was good looking. But now enter the roommate. Steve, he liked any girl because he had some problems in that department. Judy and I talked on the phone all the time. One day she called and I wasn’t there. Well, my "friend" Steve started in on his "cock blocking" he told this girl that i was a scum bag and he said that I had told him I thought she was a slut , that I didn’t like her and just talked to her so I could sleep with her. This was so untrue… She was hurt! He did this just so he could maybe have a chance with her. After all, He did like her. Well, he upset her so bad that she told her guidance councilor @ school. Her Father was informed. The police were called. In the mean time I had called JUdy and she was mad at me but wouldn’t tell me why. Next thing I know, the police are at my door questioning me about the nights we had sex. (There was more than one) I told them the truth, after all I did not think I did anything wrong. But I did! I had sex with more than 1 woman at a time in the state of CT regardless of their age, this is against the law. Our Justice system is written by the Catholics. One of the problems, she was 16. And there was alcohol @ the party. Bang! I got arrested for having sex with someone under the age of 18, having oral sex (me to her), Contributing to the delinquency of a minor, Impairing the morals of a minor, and the list goes on. Now the worst part. Judy's Mexican Father was not someone you would want to run into in a dark ally. She was scared of him. Judy told him I took advantage of her. I was also arrested for sexual assault 1st degree.
I was stunned, I was hurt. I called her, she was crying she told me she was sorry. She told me that My roommate told her all this stuff. I was so mad. I remember being so scared i cried. I got a lawyer and he interviewed the other girl that was there. The sexual assault case was immediately suspect. Judy Finally told them the truth. But, the courts are all about numbers and convictions. SO, I get put on probation for 3 years with 4 years of suspended sentence. WOW! And oh did I mention this Eric C guy? He was a cute guy spreading VD to every one of his conquests. Well, he spread it to Judy. I got it. It was said in court that I had given Judy a venereal disease!
After all is said and done, time goes by. I am scared. I did not realize that how far the police could stretch something. The bathroom thing. Judy said she was sore and i needed to stop or hurry up. They used that against me and that’s where they tried to fry me for rape. Anyway, I tell you this cause it got stuck in me. I started drinking heavy. I started to fear woman. I was positive that any girl I met was going to have me arrested for rape. I had nightmares about it.
about a year goes by , I meet this girl Christy K @ an amusement park in Mass. She had a friend and me and my new friend and roommate "rob" liked them. I liked her friend "Mellissa" but for some reason, Christy liked me and my friend liked Melissa. We all went back to our house and started messing around. I ended up having sex with Christy. Days and weeks went by and she and I hung out. WE had sex all the time. She was 18, I was 20 I think not sure maybe 21. Anyways. I moved. I had not seen her for a while and though she went her separate ways. I get a phone call and it was the 2 of them. They came over to my new house. Christy was drinking. She ran out of alcohol and wanted me to get more. SO, like a dumb ass... I did. Well, one thing lead to another and all 3 of us were in my bed messing around. I started kissing Christy. but she was kind of drunk. She had a skirt on with no underwear, I penetrated her for a second but she was unresponsive. SO, I stopped and messed around with the other girl that was also involved, we finished. All of a sudden, Christy was no longer incapacitated!. They hung out for a while and we talked and talked. They left. A few weeks later I get a knock at my door. It’s the police; Christy had accused me of sexual assault 1st degree. I was floored! I could not believe it. I called the same lawyer and he arranged an interview with the other girl that was there. She told the truth. And oh, I was on probation. I told my probation officer what happened. He actually laughed and said that I was the most unlucky kid he ever met. He said he was NOT going to violate me. When we went to court, the sexual assault case was pretty much gone. The prosecutor was very mad that the probation officer wasn’t going to violate me, but, he had read the other girls statement. This really pissed the prosecutor off. But there was that little thing about the alcohol. I was guilty of this! AND i was on probation and suspended sentence for this. Funny thing about the prosecutors in courts, they are all about convictions and number, not what right or wrong!. I was facing serious jail time because i bought beer for those 2 girls. Even though they showed up drunk. Even though th e probation officer did not violate me… The shocker! The prosecutor decides to offer me a plea agreement to plead to sexual assault 4th degree and I will serve no time. But i had not raped anyone. It was proven. Why did the prosecutor do this? idk! My lawyer had a talk with me. He told me I did nothign technical wrong as far as my morals were concerned but that alcohol charge and risk of injury charge could; land me in jail for 5 years. He said if I took this FELLONY sexual assault charge, I would not be able to be a policeman or work for the post office. SO, I naively took the deal. Now, its 24 years later, I cannot get a job, I Never could, I got **** jobs.. When they run my record they see sexual assault 4th degree and instead of saying "oh that’s equivalent to slapping your secretary on the ass" and a plea agreement, they see BABY RAPER.. AGUY WHO IS RAPING BABIES IN THE WOODS AND THEN EATING THEM? I am branded for life. It is my fault too! Although I didn’t rape that girl, I bought the alcohol. And btw, the girl who wrote the false statement against me for raping her, nothing happened legally to her. Me, I am scared of woman. I think they will all have me arrested for rape if I piss them off. Later in life I found out that Christy was depressed and needed attention, she was jealous that I was with her friend. I guess she got that attention. Never has she attempted to contact me. TO be clear, sex is a 2 way street and in some cases a 3 and 4..lol but what I am trying to say is this, when i penetrated Christy, she seemed unresponsive. I stopped. It was a 3 second thing. MY life is ruined. I cannot get a good job. I have a degree and a CDL. No-one will hire me. I recently applied for a job and they asked me about that charge that happened in 1990. I had not even mentioned it as it was over 20 years old. But...there not going to hire a guy who rapes babies in the woods and then eats them with an evil laugh. Sucks to be me...what can I do?
