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Falsly accused of rape and on bail without charge - need help!

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  • #16
    Im very grateful

    oh please i do apologise! i never hinted or intended that you said that my partner being oder was any form of fetish! Im a very old 42 she is a very young 50. I understand what you mean regarding age and being accused of rape, that the age of the complainant plays a key part in CPS consideration

    The complainant in this matter is in her early fifties. Can it be brought up bad character on her part if applied to in court? She is very dishonest in knowing how to claim the highest invalidity rates and passed bad cheques to be cashed knowing they wouldnt clear. I think this would be seen as petty tick - for - tac but is the jury just dependant on what is said because she is very good at turning on the waterworks and gaining the sympathy of others.

    Thank you for your help to date - you have helped a lot - and as for the butterflies - well they are welcome but ill speak little and listen much nearer that time


    • #17
      further help please

      I know its not forum rules to write the nature of an allegation made so I would ask how I can contact anyone who may be able to assist as I cannot see how the complainants sopposed accounts could ever amount to rape. - I just can't see how her account would ever be a consideration for police investigation in the first place!


      • #18
        Unfortunately for you, and others in the same predicament, the police's own guidelines state that if a 'victim' makes a rape allegation and if the 'perpetrator' can be located they will be interviewed which usually means arrest and cautioning.[my italics but somewhere on the forum is a link to the 'Ask the Police' website where this is stated]

        I agree it's unfair in your circumstances but it was part of the previous governments initiative to increase rape convictions.

        (Unfortunately by the same token the definition of rape has been broadened considerably from what a sensible individual might consider it to be i.e. rape by penetration with an object)
        Last edited by Casehardened; 3 June 2010, 06:47 AM. Reason: to include wider definition of rape
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


        • #19
          Rivington, if you pm me I'll try to help if I can.
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #20
            Originally posted by frustrated dad
            im a bit of a expert in this field as in ive had a lot dealings with the cps and i can assure you that cps will back down on this one 110 pecent dont worry bout a thing ok
            Frustrated dad, I can see you are trying to reassure Rivington but believe me unless you have been been working in this field for a number of years (as I have) you can never know how the Crown will go. I watched a guy sent down last July after his accuser said he had hair all over his chest, arms and back - the OIC claimed he too, saw this hair.

            Medical evidence showed that he had a condition that meant he cannot grow bodily hair. The Crown was well aware of this but still it went to trial, and he was convicted.

            she cried that she wanted to get her life back on track and that she was worried about the phone bill and internet debts and that it would be far easier for her that i wasnt there. I have to day made the police aware f this and that it is an avenue that they should consider thier lines of enquiries.
            Please do not trust the police to follow up any lines of enquiry that might help you. Decent officers will, but unfortunately there are many bad apples in the police barrel and they will, if necessary, ignore or even hide any evidence that is helpful to the defence case.

            In the same way, the police will sometimes not talk to witnesses who might provide alibi evidence.

            I do hope you have an experienced solicitor helping you with this.
            Last edited by Rights Fighter; 6 June 2010, 08:11 AM.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #21
              oh ok

              I being honest am not copeing too well with this and even though I have a solicitor I'm so upset by the accusation and frustrated because I can not do a thing about it. This accsation comes at a time I've just got my life sorted out and I'm not going to have the fight to get back up and carry on if the cps have their way I have already lost too much and I'm no way going there again. She wants my life ruined she can have it - completely. Ill know exactly what to do when I answer bail but if cps pursue to charge, then I'm no way going past that date - sorry but I hope she learns what she atteempts to do by her false allegations ruined notjust mine but effects others also.


              • #22
                Rivington, do you have family members and close friends? If you do, please remember the effect that anything you might be considering (self harming) will devastate them. They will feel guilty because it will be assumed that they did not do enough to help you.

                Also, newspaper headlines will say something along the lines of "couldn't handle the guilt......"

                You cannot and must not allow this liar to do this to you. You are bigger and better than that.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #23
                  Rivington - I've pm'd you - please follow the request asap.
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #24
                    Can it be brought up bad character on her part if applied to in court? She is very dishonest in knowing how to claim the highest invalidity rates and passed bad cheques to be cashed knowing they wouldnt clear. I think this would be seen as petty tick - for - tac but is the jury just dependant on what is said because she is very good at turning on the waterworks and gaining the sympathy of others.
                    If this has been officially investigated by the authorities then this SHOULD be brought in as bad character. If the Crown were to argue against it then defence counsel should be able to provide a good argument and win - it demonstrates that this woman is more than capable of lying in order to gain financial advantage. It is entirely relevant to the case as that is part of your defence, that and the fact that she was "a woman scorned".
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • #25
                      dear rivington. Please stay strong. I can only reiterate what was said earlier. You are not alone, keeping you in my thoughts

