I got falsely accused of spiking a girls a drink and raping her last year. This happened last year and got dealt with immediately and the case didn't proceed further because the officers could see through her lies and contradictions. I don't have to go into detail because it is water under the bridge now. What I will say despite being somewhat lucky because it didn't go further, is that the emotional and psychological impact for me has been horrendous. I feel isolated and helpless because hardly anyone knows the full extent of it including my parents and friends. When it emerged that the shameless cow had gone and lied so callously to the police, it tore me up inside. I know I shouldn't worry about it but there is a constant fear of something like this re-emerging. I have lost my appetitie, become fatigued and depressed. I could be a hypochondriac because I have the constant fear that I am seriously ill and I've even had a blood test. Yeah I feel sorry for myself. Things I used to care about I don't anymore and I have become so cynical and frustrated. I was looking forward to a career in the Royal Marines but that is in tatters now because my confidence has all but been destroyed. I can't begin to tell you how paranoid I feel. I used to feel sorry for her because she clearly has issues to come forward to the Police like she did and lie about me
but I know she is an evil attention seeking C*** and I will never forgive her for what she put me through and my experience taught me to keep an open mind about 'so called' rapists and paedophiles because to be honest anyone of the accused might well have been in my situation which was innocent. I had no support but I'm sure its out there. I seriosuly need some reassurance to get my life on track!
