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Dear Constant. Sorry to hear that you have been left in limbo, all seems a bit of a farce.I'm not sure that police understand the torment this sort of thing causes. Buddy, try to keep strong, I understand that can be easier said than done, but here's hoping that every passing day brings you closer to a resolution.
Thanks Witsend - just wish I knew what to do this week turn up for bail or not - what sort of attitude is this - why do they ignore my sols - fail to return calls - not investigate - not communicate - I know I am not a big time criminal but surely this is a serious offence and they should invest the time and effort to solve rather than frustrate. This does not help their reputation - they arrested me at 4:00am in the morning - with all the urgency of public enemy no 1 - sent 3 officers round - held me for nearly 14 hours - bailed me then sat on it - jesus what a force or should I say farce- we as a public should demand more and this should be dealt with in a much more professional manner. They disgust me and lets hope this new adminstration (coalition) will get rid of some of the attitudes which have been allowed to flourish at the expense of us - the tax payer.
Hi Constant I understand exactly how you feel, my son was arrested and charged very quickly. They made out at Mags court that he was the modern day version of Jack the ripper to keep him locked up. we keep getting bits leak out, we were told two weeks before we were supposed to go to trial that she had made a previous false accusation, this was five months after my sons arrest, at least they declared it.
The police and the cps are only interested in the "victim" and how she feels. They do not consider the impact it has on the accuseds family and the accused. I think they should be forced to meet the accused and their families face to face to explain their decisions. might make them think twice.
Ok just heard back from my Sols - I could hear the sigh in the email - she has finally managed to speak to the DC who interviewed me and was told that I will get a decision either way that this will be rebailed or NFA'd before the end of this week . In any event I will not have to attend the bail this week. So less that 4 days to go and this is the news chaps - it all sounds positive but what a bloody farce.
I hope and pray that others here who have been falsely accused will get better treatment than I have - if the NFA comes along this week I will post accordingly and maybe I am reading too much into this but it looks likes its going nowhere as the solicitor suggested when we met last week.
So what have we got so far - me in a mess, an accuser who deserves a serious telling off and a police force that are being used as political pawns - fantastic !!!!!!!!
Worriedfather - how bloody awful for you - at least I wasn't remanded - it really is a silly game these people play - when this is over for me - I am going to work out a way to help those wrongly accused. Not sure how but I will do something - if your son is innocent as I am then surely he is the victim - what society allows this callous misuse of law - they should be ashamed.
keep me informed and please Private Message me if you wish
Witsend - thanks for your words - I'm feeling somewhat bitter and twisted today - not because of this because of the failing in the process and how many others go through this pain.
You know I knew I was innocent - I knew I'd done nothing wrong - I knew that it was because I wouldn't talk to this girl - I knew they had the threats - I knew that they had arrested me for nothing - i knew that I wasn't HIV positive - I knew all of this - yet being arrested made me feel guilty - the *******S its just WRONG - plain WRONG - if I'm guilty of anything its for being a prat with a young girl - how the hell do you get on with your life as it was before after **** like this - I'm ashamed of this country and its poor unhealthy system of justice.
Constant. As with everything in life, we have been told things will be better with time. Try telling that to our son. BUT, we DO have good days as well, they do seem at times few and far between but are a joy when we have them Our son, who is autistic, is now paranoid. He only has to look at a woman and he thinks the police will be knocking on his door. Hoping the counseling will help him with this. This whole system seems warped and I feel sorry for the women that have genuinely been assaulted, really I do, but there seems very little support (apart from this great place) for those that have been falsely accused. Keep us up to speed if you hear anything.
its even more disgusting in your sons case - I'm a big man who can handle himself and employ lawyers who are qualified - what if you hadn't been around - what if he had been on his own - I understand his pain and pray it gets better - counselling is ideal and will assist him I hope. You know if you weren't a woman hater before this sort of thing could help you on your way to becoming one - so the circle begins and gets worse. Who is to blame - the NFA is indeed a cop out - its complete **** - its like saying well we can't do you on this but its on file = not good - not happy.
Constant. I know what you mean by bitter and twisted, have managed to deal with that,for now. Unfortunately those emotions were making it hard for me, as a mother, to become proactive and support our son. I just seethe with rage at times. Letters have gone off to various departments to get our sons police files destroyed. Not holding out much hope but have to try. Try to keep a clear mind and please remember not all women are evil and twisted.
I know all women are not like this - my partner is not like this - my sisters and mother are not like this - most of the people I have worked with are not like this - but if you read all these threads some going back years and you read the newspapers - well there are a lot of women who are bad - and to balance it up I know there are a lot of men who are bad also.
dear Constant. Yep " a few bad apples"! (seems like more than a few reading threads on here) make it bad for everyone else. Hope that you are holding up OK and that you hear something soon. Thinking of you and everybody else.
i have a question for everybody.... i am aware that the number of false accusations has gone up dramatically since the introduction of the 2003 sexual offences act with no great leap in convictions. The act was designed to make it easier for the police and the cps to prosecute and convict rapists.
I have always believed that you must stand up and be counted when it is right to do so. I was in the army and we had a motto "everybody fights, nobody quits" My view is that i intend to start publicising ho bad this law is and why it should be changed, the press has a great deal of power and they have run a few stories, so why not give them the publicity they dont want
Good going worriedfather - not many people want to go public because of the shame of being wrongly accused in the first place. But if more people did it would raise the publics awareness.
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..