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My ex has been accused of raping someone 4 years ago, help needed please
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Ha Ha! Forced/made to drink it indeed!
It was a great help to meet you, and very enjoyable lunch, so nice to find help nearby too, and that "real" people are out there.
And suggestions that I will follow through. We will not be beaten.
Update, for the third time, the bail hearing has been extended. We were told on a Sunday morning, 24 hours before the next bail date.
Now extended till late September, to allow a specialist lawyer to consider the facts at the CPS. I assume, this means that a "normal" lawyer found nothing worthy of proceeding, ie no real facts/evidence. Has anyone else had this happen?
The specialist will probably decide whether there is enough "evidence" to proceed.
For you own sanity I do wish this matter would grind to a complete halt and you can stop playing "mummy" to somebody who does not appreciate your efforts.
Thank you Saffron and Rights Fighter. stress level even higher, what an awful time with the wait,and the paranoia is getting worse. Of course, the whole family suffer.
Hope everyone else are progressing as well as possible