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Falsely accused

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  • #76
    Bail date

    My next bail is in three weeks time, my sol reckons like last time if they brin that date forward it's usually bad news! I've spoken to a few people I know who work on the coal face of the legal system, they reckon we shoulnt get charges, and if we do it will get laughed out o court I so hope they are right!
    I also had the cheek to ring cps, she was quite abrupt and said I woul find out the outcome on the bail date! Charges are usually brought forward are they not and not actually on the date of bail???


    • #77
      Originally posted by udontneedtoknow View Post
      Charges are usually brought forward are they not and not actually on the date of bail???
      Hi UDNTK,

      It seems an age ago since you first posted, but it's still less than 3 months, so not so long as the average!

      Not wanting to dampen things down too much but its probably the other way round! You couldn't be charged over the phone but you could be NFA'd & I hope the police wouldn't be insensitive enough to phone anyone up to tell them to come in to be charged

      If it comes to this I suspect they would let your solicitor know first. Let's hope & pray that you soon get a NFA
      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


      • #78
        should find out soon maybe this week

        My boss had a chat with the lead officer,
        basically he will ring him back on thursday as the police have been pushing the case through the system as fast as possible due to the nature of my job, and the part of the world I should be in right now. If no news comes on the Thursday then I will definately find out when I next answer bail in under three weeks.


        • #79
          My chances

          Seriously from what you have all read what are my chances?


          • #80
            Originally posted by udontneedtoknow View Post
            My boss had a chat with the lead officer, basically he will ring him back on thursday as the police have been pushing the case through the system as fast as possible due to the nature of my job, and the part of the world I should be in right now. If no news comes on the Thursday then I will definately find out when I next answer bail in under three weeks.

            I very much doubt that is the case. The police do not prioritise cases like this - not in my experience anyway. They are saying that to keep you off their back.

            Nobody here can know what your chances are because we have not seen any of the paperwork and are not involved with the day to day running of the case.

            All that the members here can do is to support you while this investigation is ongoing.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #81
              Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
              I very much doubt that is the case. The police do not prioritise cases like this - not in my experience anyway. They are saying that to keep you off their back.

              Nobody here can know what your chances are because we have not seen any of the paperwork and are not involved with the day to day running of the case.

              All that the members here can do is to support you while this investigation is ongoing.
              I doubt the police would lie to the army, especially as I should of gone to Afghanistan??? They also said if it wasn't for the fact that I am in the army they would of taken my passport.


              • #82
                If you are in the army why is this not a court martial?

                The person who got me into this (2000) was allowed to keep his passport as he worked on liners in entertainments.

                I've known other soldiers in your situation whose cases were not fast-tracked. Maybe yours is, who is to say? What I said was that I had not come across it in my experience.

                What I have come across is the police telling suspects that their cases are being fast tracked to stop them ringing and making enquiries.
                Last edited by Rights Fighter; 22 June 2010, 08:43 PM.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #83
                  Court marshalls are only covered through military law and military offences,
                  I've still got my passport but bail restricts me to leave the uk. Maybe as I am meant to be on operations is maybe why the process has been sped up, bearing in mind this started at the begining of April.
                  Also with her lies and the fact nothing was found in her system could mean there's no case to answer and hopefully it's getting ran by the cps as a matter of procedure?


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by udontneedtoknow View Post
                    Court marshalls are only covered through military law and military offences, I've still got my passport but bail restricts me to leave the uk.

                    One of my group members was found not guilty at a courts martial (RFLH will know who I mean). This was not a military offence (as such) but a false allegation of sexual abuse by a young girl living on the army base. Maybe that is why it was a courts martial - because the accuser happened to live on the military base?

                    If you still have your passport but bail conditions restrict you from leaving the UK, then they might just as well have taken it, as you can't use it - unless I have missed something - quite possibly as I've had a night-cap! Having said that, the police do tend to lose/mislay things so it's good you still have it - just in case.
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • #85
                      when R was on bail we went on holiday to Spain. His sol had to get permission for this, but he got it and we were able to go.
                      Just thought I would mention it.


                      • #86
                        I've known that happen more than a few times Saffron. It depends on the circumstances of the case and the judge who grants bail / police.

                        One of PAFAA members who was 61 as I recall, at the time of arrest and he was remanded into custody immediately. He cannot run, has several medical problems and no passport and was not a flight risk. He and his wife moved tiwce to get away from the accusers and their supporters so they were hardly likely to be a threat to them by way of intimidation.

                        I think it depends on the judge and officers in the case.
                        Last edited by Rights Fighter; 23 June 2010, 09:19 AM.
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #87
                          Does anyone know, once a case is at cps how many result in charges?


                          • #88
                            As far as I know, there are certain offences which exclude you from being in the army on conviction. Mainly because the length of sentence dictates that you are forbidden from ever possessing firearms, be they live, blank, air pistols, bb guns, fireworks and yes, even party poppers are banned. So, if you were convicted of this offence, you would be subject to the lifetime ban on holding, owning or possessing firearms and for that reason the army would not be able to employ you. The way out, for the army, is to court martial you, in other words to discharge you from their employment.

                            Court martials are not specifically to do with the accuser living on a base or anywhere else, it's to do with the fact that the offence type and sentence it is likely to attract would make you unemployable by the forces, so it's their way of discharging you and giving you a P45.


                            • #89
                              Apparently R is not allowed to hold or set light to fireworks, sparklers or party poppers. Not sure where he stands on Christmas Crackers though. He was told that this is standard because he has been convicted of a sexual crime, and sexual crimes are never spent.


                              • #90
                                i will not be court marshalled

                                Originally posted by LS View Post
                                As far as I know, there are certain offences which exclude you from being in the army on conviction. Mainly because the length of sentence dictates that you are forbidden from ever possessing firearms, be they live, blank, air pistols, bb guns, fireworks and yes, even party poppers are banned. So, if you were convicted of this offence, you would be subject to the lifetime ban on holding, owning or possessing firearms and for that reason the army would not be able to employ you. The way out, for the army, is to court martial you, in other words to discharge you from their employment.

                                Court martials are not specifically to do with the accuser living on a base or anywhere else, it's to do with the fact that the offence type and sentence it is likely to attract would make you unemployable by the forces, so it's their way of discharging you and giving you a P45.
                                I will not be court marshalled for this offence the army would discharge me upon sentencing.
                                Discuss this in another thread please, as this is the least of my worries, and can some one answer my previous question???

