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Falsely accused

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  • #31

    I take it cps don't have much of a clue?
    Does anyone know what procedure the cps have to follow once they receive the file? I've heard of people in the cps taking bets on wether they'd win the case or just seeing if they can win something with minimal evidence etc.


    • #32
      Thanks. What I meant to add was, the cps intentionally keep prospective cases far, far away from someone with a brain, so they can put said case in front of twelve total buffoons who are representative of the country at large.

      In other words; the seven dwarves plus Blind, Deaf, Dumb, Ignorant and ****ing-Stupid.
      Though the last one seems to have many, many relatives because he's found everywhere in this country.
      Last edited by LS; 26 May 2010, 05:43 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by udontneedtoknow View Post
        Does anyone know what procedure the cps have to follow once they receive the file?
        Yes. Ignore the facts. Especially the ones which show the defendant is innocent.
        That seems to be the only procedure they follow.


        • #34

          I'll keep expecting a charge then that way I won't be dissapointed If I do!


          • #35
            Although that's not the best outcome, it is probably best to think along those lines. Then, if it is NFA'd, it's a bonus, not a huge blow if it's not.


            • #36
              and what a huge bonus it will be when it is nfa'd. at the moment rape is uppermost in the newspapers and on the news , because of all the lying scheming women who make these allegations knowing they wont be charged for anything if they get found out . hopefully because of the cases that have hit the headlines lately and the new proposed schemes of anonimity for men untill proven guilty , hopefully both the police and the cps will tread very carefully before they bring charges .
              Anne widecome has today spoken out in favour of women being charged for falsely accusing men of rape so maybe things are begining to change for the better.


              • #37
                I hope

                I hope they do take into account all the current issues in the news recently, did anyone see this morning today discussing accusers annonymity!


                • #38
                  News just in

                  Just spoke to solicitor,

                  Says I am definately going to be re-bailed after speaking to the police, also that the forensic report is finished and that nothing must of been found in her system from this as we would be facing a charge at this point.
                  He also says after speaking to his colleauge who is defending my friend that there is further CCTV of said victim who had just been "subjected to the terrible ordeal of being raped" leaning in to give me a kiss and a hug as I show her the exit to the apartment which will look bad on her!

                  The CPS want to look at the file in full which is where I now worry about the chance of lesser charges, which doesn't help with her having possible injuries to her genitalia from the masturbation.

                  A bit of good news for me I hope, but dreading the possibility of lesser charges!!!


                  • #39
                    Is there anyone out there?

                    If i could ask for your replies please as I am going mental!
                    Re-bail tommorow!!!


                    • #40
                      trouble is we can't second guess what they'll do - all we know is that it'll go one of two ways.

                      Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
                      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                      • #41
                        I hope and pray this goes away and you are cleared and NFA'd- be strong and be sure of yourself - if you are innocent then the truth will out

                        keep us informed


                        • #42
                          when my son was going through this i kept telling my self 'if they had evidence they would of charged by now , 'in the end there was no evidence to find and so it was nfa'd , keep yourself positive , im sure the right result will come for you.


                          • #43
                            Thank you

                            Thank you again for the support!
                            After getting re-bailed today for another 6 weeks I still feel a little optimistic.
                            I was dealt with by the DS on the case I asked if there is scope for lesser charges and he said it's usually all or nothing so not to sure on that one.
                            He also didn't seem to bothered that I had unintentionally been inbreach of my bail by staying at home on the weekends due to my conditions saying that I should reside at my work address!
                            I'm getting more positives still there are doubts.
                            This girl claimed to be a virgin, nod I know that the doctor will know this upon her examination but is it possible to lose you virginity through masturbation?


                            • #44
                              It can be lost in many ways - so I guess its possible.

                              Sorry to hear that you've been rebailed.
                              And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                              • #45
                                I wouldn't attach too much value to the virginity aspect. Often the courts don't take it into account quite as much as they ought to. In my own case they patently ignored it, and then they changed the accusation to suit.

