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How can anybody do this?

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  • How can anybody do this?

    I need urgent help re false accusations of rape against my partner that was made by his ex wife. We knew that she would go to all lengths but not to stoop this low. She accused him of rape of her daughter when she was 9. All this came nearly 4 years after he left and she had no further options to get back at him for leaving. From our side we are 100% confident that we would be able to prove that these accusations are false, though after reading some of the posts here I am deeply concerned about the possible outcome. He was arrested, interviewed and is now on bail to appear at the police station in May. He didn't have lawyer with him during his interview as he was convinced that he didn't need one because of his innocence. Not sure now it was the best option after reading other posts on this forum. Can anyone point me in the direction of a really good solicitor with experience of false accusations of child rape to assist if he is charged? We are in London. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    HI, sorry to see you posting here.

    I'm sure that Rights Fighter may be able to help you with a legal bod.

    For anyone elses information - never, ever be interviewed without legal representation.

    ever rely on the thought that because your innocent the police will take your word for it - that's not what they are there for. Always believe that they are out to get you, until proved otherwise.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Hi RFLH, thank you for posting. Now after we spent hours and hours reading informations on false accusations we do realise that being interviewed without solicitor was not the best option. But neither my boyfriend or me have ever had any dealings with police before. That is why we decided to look for solicitor now just in case we need it.
      To be honest I still can't believe this is happening to us. And I was shocked that there are about 120 000 innocent people accused each year. It gives us some comfort that we are not alone, but I feel for every one of those people. It's shocking and people that place false accusations should receive very harsh sentences, because they destroy other people's lives.
      To be honest at the moment I feel ashamed to be a woman


      • #4
        It does make you feel that way. We've spent many an hour wondering how a human being can do this to another and then walk away without a backward glance. A lot comes down to spite, revenge and compensation.

        Keep posting - it does help.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #5
          Unfortunately we can't live our lives with the benefit of hindsight!
          I can't add anything to what RFLH has said, but wanted to wish you a warm welcome.


