Hi witsend im glad to hear that she eventully admitted it was wrong, I fully understand why your son would want to move home aswell as you were no doubth a tower of strenght for him when he was going trough this, im not sure if it would do any good getting her arrested I suppose thats everyone to there own on that one, some people would say that it may help your son but on the other hand whats the point in going trough it all again I completly understand the anger and girls like that do need to be shown that they cannot ruin a guys life like that and get away with it, I just think that maybe just let things be for some time and then if you still feel the same do something about it then, for me its the damage she has done telling everyone in the area and the gossip and horrible things that people add on to storys like this that can never be undone thats the hardest part for me, I watched a movie the other night it was really good i would suggest that maybe you have a look at it too, the movie is called Doubt and its about a good preist who is wrongfully accused of things in a parish and has to deal with the gossip that goes on, it made me think as to why a girl may do this sort of thing and is a really good film with merill streep, anyway im so happy to hear your son is trough his ordeal and hope you can get on with your lives now! :-)
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A little light!
Should false accusers be fined?
They should be subject to the principal of reciprocal sentencing - ie - they should be sentenced to a similar punishment to that which the person they accused would have been subject if they had been found guilty.
I completely agree. That's what should happen, but rarely is anything done about it these days because it's about political correctness. For every false accuser prosecuted, real victims might not come forward for fear etc. So rather than potentially turn away some extra crime "clearup" figures, the establishment let most FA's get away with it.
Sadly, prosecuting FA's should be the norm, not the exception.
Quite agree that it is onesided, police and cps are only interested in gathering "evidence" to support a conviction. In my sons case it has taken the police and cps 5 months to reveal that she had made a previous false accusation which was never questioned during her statement, they asked her once if she was telling the truth.
when we went to court, cps tried to say that the previous false allegation was irrelevant, fortunately the judge did not agree.
I was talking to a girl I used to go out with and she said that a freind of hers said that she was speaking to my accuser and she said to her that she made the whole thing up because her boyfreind found out we slept together and she had to say something, I was gutted to hear that but then again maybe its just gossip, dont know what to think anymore!
I couldn't possible put myself into the mind of a woman (apologies to all the sensible ones who post on here) but I can quite imagine that, after her case has been dropped, a false accuser is somehow going to have to try to justify to herself & her friends the reason for saying this thing in the first place.
'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'
Dear New Hope. Thought that you, and others, might like to know that MIND offer free counseling that some may find useful. Found this out on their website out of sheer desperation. They were very quick in responding to an email I sent, well a few daysThe person my son sees is fully qualified and the first session he went along to I was able to stay with him, but now he sees her on his own, he says he is finding this helpful. I found the Samaritans were great when we were going through the living hell of our son being falsely accused.It was reassuring to have someone impartial and non judgmental to talk to. I suppose we all have to find what works for each of us.
Once a case has been NFA'd the CPS won't look at it again (remember that two specialist CPS lawyers have already separately considered it and decided not to take it to trial) unless fresh evidence comes up that wasn't available the first time around.
Only you will know if this is likely but it would have to be fairly significant, for example a fresh statement from the accuser won't cut the mustard.
But (and there's always a but) there is nothing to stop your accuser from starting a private prosecution against you. However (another but!) no lawyer would take this on without evidence that the client has the funds available to pay for it (the no-win no-fee boys will not be interested) so unless your accuser has about £300,000 in readies this won't happen.
'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'
can anyone answer me a question please? I got a call from the investigating officer in my case saying that they had gotten final directions from the dpp and that it was non prosecution, since then I have heard that my accuser is saying that she dropped it and not the dpp, would a police officer call up and lie saying that it went to the dpp when it didnt or would the police have to tell the truth in a situation like this?
I would imagine she's going around saying she dropped it because then it looks like it was her choice, not the fact it was dropped because it was full of holes.
She wouldn't want anyone to think that it was dropped (by the system) because her allegation was flimsy in the first place.
Typical liar behaviour, trying to justify that she's still in the wrong, only this time you and others know better.