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Partner of Falsely accused!... :(

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  • #16
    Hi Broken.

    A bittersweet story! I'm glad you had such a good time with her, and sorry that the relationship has ended.


    Saffron x


    • #17
      Cant cope anymore...

      My ex txt me last night, straight away i knew summat was wrong... She had overdosed on pills again, for the 3rd time!!

      She mumbled bits an pieces of an incomplete story.. I was up all night worrying about her an when i woke today i jus broke down, i cant do this anymore, everytime she tries to kill herself a piece of me dies inside. Iv jus had enough, i cant hold my head up aanymore, im scared to death every day that im gonna get a call or txt telling me shes dead!!

      She holds my life in her hands... She lives, i live... She dies, an im done!!
      I live in hope of us together again, one day, without that hope i am no more.


      • #18
        broken - why is she phoning you if she's back with her partner?
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #19
          I Dnt kno.. Prob cos when she was txtin me she was already in a&e an her partner stayed home wit the kids..
          She said summat about Social Services on her back, cos of havin the kids there, I thought they knew!! Then she said summat about bein removed from the house an then the weird txts, wudnt answer at first when I asked her if she had taken anythin an kept askin me why she was txtin me an why she shud tell me things when shes meant to be lettin me go. I told her cos I care about her an were mates.


          • #20

            Hi guys,

            Thought id update on my ex partners situation...

            she attended court yesterday an had to plead guilty in order to avoid a prison sentence. Shes lookin at a 2yr suspended sentence an unpaid work etc. She has her sentencing at the end of the month. She had to sign on the sex offenders register, for how long we dont know but atleast now she can start gettin her life back on track an iv gotta do the same. Now weve not got this court case hangin over her heads i hav to let her go an get on with fixin my life, returning to work an hopefully start meetin new ppl.

            BROKEN x


            • #21
              Hi Broken
              Is there more to this than she's letting on? I can't understand why anyone has to plead guilty if they're innocent, in order to avoid a prison sentence. By pleading guilty, thus admitting guilt, you may increase the chances of going to prison.
              Anyway, thanks for the update, but as you say she's not your problem any more. You've got to get on with your life.


              • #22
                HI Broken

                I'm sorry to hear your partner has pleaded guilty, that must be a blow.
                LS, people often do get reduced sentences for pleading Guilty...the reasoning is that they have spared their "victim" the trauma of having to give evidence, and have saved taxpayers a lot of money in terms of court time etc.

                I too can't understand why someone would plead guilty if they were innocent, but some people have been known to be swayed by a bullish solicitor (ie: "plead guilty and I guarantee you won't go to prison" etc). I know of one sol who told the teenage son of a pafaa member that there was no way the jury would believe his version of events and he should plead guilty in order to keep the sentence to a minimum. Luckily the lad refused, the case went to court and the jury acquitted him. But less strong people have been persuaded to plead guilty when they were in fact innocent. It's the fear factor.


                • #23
                  My exes sentencing.... An end to it all!!

                  Hi everyone, thought id update u all on my exs sentencing on the 25th June...

                  She pleaded guiltyto sexual assault as this was wot her barriister suggested and she was sentenced to 12months but suspended for 2yrs. She also has to attend probation for the next 2yrs aswell as being on the Sex Offenders Register for the next 10yrs!!

                  Now i kno that this is not the best possible outcome but to not spend time inside thats all i wanted for her, she wud never hav coped. So its been jus over a week now since the sentencing an iv excepted it an am now trying m hardest to move on, i even had a date on friday, ok so i wernt interested, i still went tho so in my book thats progress lol.

                  My ex is still living wit her wife, and the children are still not allowed to go home or be around my ex. Social Services told them that regardless, if they wernt together the wife still wudnt be allowed her kids back. Now, to me, that sounds strange, my ex cant be the whole reason for her not havin her kids. The only thing that i can think of that maybe part of the reason is when my ex was living wit me her wife overdosed on pills with her liil boy in the house an my ex had to call an ambulance for her from Essex - cud this be a reason why shes not allowed to hav her kids back?!..

                  BROKEN but moving on x


                  • #24
                    Your ex chose to plead guilty so SS will forever be on her back and anybody else she has contact with if and when children are involved.

                    This is the way it is. Another person I know of accepted a caution to avoid the possibility of going to prison and he now has the same problem with SS.

                    All your ex can do is to undergo various risk assessments, but that would also involve having to admit to guilt of something she has not done, otherwise not admitting to it and saying she did that to avoid a prison sentence would then be looked upon as being "in denial".

                    Many people think that accepting a caution or admitting guilt is an easier way out - but it's the repercussions later on down the line that tend to show that this is NOT the easier option.

                    You really should move on with your life now. She's made her choices and has to live with them. You do not.
                    Last edited by Rights Fighter; 4 July 2010, 03:51 PM.
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~

