I bet £1000000 this case would be dropped. Girl told her mum, because was afraid of punishment.It is the main reason. I can't understand if the police so naive? Be patient and please take care of your son, he must be depressed and afraid, I know how it feels. Best wishes
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please help.....
Hi there. We found ourselves in a similar situation to yours not so long ago, our son was falsely accused and we thought our world was falling apart.Our son and myself ended up on some strong medication, our GP was a great help, and we thought we would never get through this horrendous nightmare. Then, after what seemed a lifetime, the OIC rang to say the case had been dropped as the girl that made the accusation had eventually admitted it was her that coerced our son.*****!!! We knew all along he was innocent, but think the waiting is the hardest part. I was told by many people on here, and they know what they are talking about
to stay strong for our son,difficult at the time, but if you dig deep enough this strength comes from somewhere. PLEASE look after your son and reassure him that things will be alright, I know it's not easy when you feel so awful yourself and keep coming back here. Take care
If she's admitted to "coercing" your lad then there's grounds for prosecution - Perverting the Course of Justice.People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
thanks witsend , we dont know what we would of done without the support of the people on this site, were still in limbo waiting to see whats happening , the police arent rushing and im sorta thinkin thats a good sign , its 5 weeks ago today that he was interviewed , if they weren happy with his story surely they would of arrested then bailed him ? or surely they would of re-interviewed him again by now ? as far as we know the oic still hasnt been in touch with the cps , if they did have evidence against him then im sure they would of been all over him like a rash and the file would be at the cps ages ago .........
if they did have evidence against him then im sure they would of been all over him like a rash and the file would be at the cps ages ago .........
Let's hope that in your lad's case it means the opposite.People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~http://www.pacso.co.uk
PAFAA details ~ https://pacso.co.uk/pafaa-people-aga...ions-of-abuse/
Dear worried parent, I think that all the waiting is the worse aspect of this situation, it took 12 weeks for us to hear that the case was dropped, the worst 12 weeks of our lives.As a parent we all know we have to try to be positive and try to keep our loved one secure in the knowledge that things will turn out OK, but, if you are anything like I was, you always have this voice in the back of your head saying "what if"? We all struggle through the days with this thought in our mind, well, I know I did. Unfortunately there is no time scale for how long this could take and by reading other postings on here our sons case was NFA'd relatively quickly compare to others so lets keep our fingers crossed that you will hear something sooner rather than later. you are in my thoughts
I am so pleased to hear this, it may be some time before things feel 'normal' again - its such an awful ordeal to go through, so don't expect everything to fall back into place. You may still feel rotten for a while yet.
Hope that's not put a damper on things - but it is wonderful news none the less!!And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..