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  • Thankyou!!!!

    First of all i would really like to thank everyone for making this site possible.
    I noticed that many people when they know what is happening in their case they abandon thus leaving everyone wondering the outcome.
    I was accused of rape and i followed this site everyday it certainly helped me through those times just reading the advice.
    I was accused in Dec, i had to leave my home and my job for a fear of violence. Since then a very understanding friend 600 miles away offered me accomodation, I have now started work here and slowly picking up my life .
    I feel as though i cant return home as they say " Mud Sticks " .
    The outcome when the DNA evidence came back was NFA. No substantial evidence.
    Now because of 1 person and one dirty lie my life has changed. Now i have found a better job and i certainly know who my real friends are.
    My advice to those going through the same situation is keep strong, once this is over you will be a stronger person and those friends who believed in you are REAL FRIENDS.
    Good luck everyone, keep strong and thankyou for this site.
    If anyone would like some advice or like to ask Q`s please send me a message.

  • #2
    thanks for returning digger - its helpful to others to know that their is a life after a false accusation.

    I'm pleased that you're managing to cope with your new life and pleased that its lead to better things.

    I hope that it continues to do so.

    Thank you again for coming back and I hope you continue to do so to help support others who are going through the same nightmare.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      absolutely.. Thankgod for this site. At first i had no one to turn too. I had lost nearly all my friends. I just needed a friendly word or someone to believe in me.
      There is very very little help for the falsely accused and yet it is soooo depressing to go through.
      I am very thankfull and in full support of this site.
      Keep your chin up guys, keep busy and dont fall into depression if you can help it. There is often light at the end of the tunnel...And when its over.. dont forget to come back an let the readers from this site know what has happened. Good Luck..


      • #4
        Fantastic to hear your good news, and thank you for keeping us informed! Often people post to get advice and to get it all off their chests. then once they get the NFA, they are so relieved that letting us know their good news is the last thing they think of. So thank you for letting us know. It gives others in a similar situation some hope.


