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Is there anything I can do?

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  • Is there anything I can do?

    Dont worry guys I'm not in any trouble lol.....
    Ive been informed tonight that my accuser has made 2 allegations of rape in the past, but we dont know if she went to the police or just told friends and family. I have also been made aware that her friends doubt her because wehn told she could appeal the decision, she said she could not be bothered! Who acts like that if theyve "been raped"
    Anyway I was just wondering if there was anything I could do to persue a prosecution against her?

  • #2
    It sounds kinda circumstantial (god, I know that term far too well) and from my own experience just knowing the facts isn't enough to get it into any court. The police rarely if ever prosecute the FA'r as they think it would put the real ones off, so that's probably a non-starter. For you to privately take her to court it would cost many thousands and you'd need a wealth of evidence.
    Easier said than done, but try to put it behind you. Sooner or later she'll hoist herself with her own petard or she'll genuinely be raped and no one will believe her.


    • #3
      I thought as much LS. A few people have actually turned round and said well one day she will be raped and noone will believe her......That angers me more.
      Because that means there is another rapist free on the streets to do it again.
      Which is far from what we want to achieve


      • #4
        True, but I'm in the same situation of wanting to scream at the world that they got it wrong, and that the court believed the liars, and that I'm innocent. The best I can settle for is to go public by putting every shred of paperwork from my case in the public domain when the time is right and when the other party has a measure of succesfulness about them.
        Taking them to court would (for me) need a huge amount of money, and I'd want cast-iron evidence available so there'd be no chance of not winning any court case I'd be funding.
        The alternative is a shotgun etc, but then I'd be bringing myself down to their level, and I'm better than that.
        No, the realistic choices are to get on with life as best as possible, and then do my damndest to make sure they never get to hide under anonymity. Everyone else is entitled to know what I am "supposed to have done" and hound me for the rest of my days, so I want the same for them. That's my goal, but for now it's about getting on with life as best I can, which is why I'm saying a private court case may not give you the release you want, even if you can afford one.


        • #5
          Never fear macdougal, this revenge thing is just another of the stages you are going through and is perfectly natural

          As LS suggests, brood on it for a bit & don't do anything in haste.

          Atfer a while you will be more relaxed about it.

          Take heart that, this time at least, she now has a FA flag against her in the PNC and will find it very difficult to make such an allegation again (some might say if she is genuinely raped in the future it will be poetic justice)
          'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


          • #6
            MacDougal, I completely understand your feeling of anger and wanting to see justice done. It won't ever go away completely, but it does fade after time.
            Take some small comfort from the fact that somewhere, deep in her black little heart, she *knows* what she has done. There is a stone roses song about it, called "How do you sleep" - a brief excerpt:

            So raise your glasses here's a toast to wasted lives
            May all their ghosts come back to haunt you
            And tell you how they died


            I used to play this at full volume in my car whilst driving the 240 mile round trip I did every 2 weeks to visit R in prison, and sing along at the top of my voice. Seems like they really captured how I was feeling.


            • #7
              i'm making a point about something you said, not about the person who falsely accussed you (just to clarify!). a genuine victim may not want to "bother" appealing the decision as going through the system is horrific. i know that i very nearly didn't go through with the retrial as i really didn't think i could cope with his barrister ripping me to shreds again (if i knew what the verdict would have been i would never have put. myself through it)
              "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


              • #8
                I appreciate what you're saying Friday as, on the flip side, I've debated whether or not to continue and put myself through the stress of trying to get justice, but from what I've been told it was more of a "oh I cant be bothered with it" as opposed to " I really cant deal with the result still being no further action as its been a horrid time already" if you get what I mean.
                This girl has shown no signs of trauma (because she didnt go through any) and I just feel its so unfair that she's the one who has committed a crime and I've been through the hell of waiting, worrying, contemplating suicide and self harm, suffering depression and a whole bunch of other negative feelings while she's been swanning round, partying moaning about her driving ban, enjoying a sex life (something Im not to sure if I ever will again) worrying about needing a new phone etc, Which im sure are things everybody complains about, but if she had been raped those issues would be as trivial to her as they are to me. These are the reasons I'm more angry than anything else. She hasnt made the allegation and tried to play on it, it would seem she made the allegation to save face with her boyfriend and since that night has just continued with life the way I couldn't


                • #9
                  The only thing I'd clarify is that my view really isn't about oh, I can't be bothered, but more along the lines of Is the end result worth all the hassle? If you are lucky and can afford to privately prosecute, with the best will in the world, you may not win, so you'll have dragged yourself through the mud (again) for effectively nothing.
                  What I have found is that the anger and the hatred eats you up if you let it. Yes, I'll have my dog-day, but it'll be when I'm good and ready even though I have all the evidence to hand. There's no way I'd have the energy or the desire to be put through all that again right now. But in ten years' time, when I've had time to think and collect all the evidence I need, then I'll be in a position to take it back to court (if I had any faith or trust in our corrupt legal system) or to go public.
                  Facebook and other sites have a lot of power with little detriment to us FAs - it's not the same as dragging up another court case - so as someone else here has found out about Facebook groups, it can also work against those who Falsely Accuse.

