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Can anyone help me?

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  • #31
    Re: Jack Tweed case.
    Just thought I ought to point out that he was found Not Guilty - ie: the jury decided that there was not enough evidence to prove guilt. This doesn't mean that the girl lied. The whole thing was pretty sordid on both sides. I would be horrified if my 21 year old son was having threesomes with a mate and a girl they picked up in a club.

    I'm not saying that justice wasn't done, but as we all know, the law is an ass. Miscarriages of justice happen all the time on both sides.

    I am also frankly very disturbed that the jury only considered the evidence for 20 minutes. The trial lasted 2 weeks, for goodness sake! That is not a carefully-considered verdict. (I was outraged that the jury in R's case took a mere 45 minutes to think about 3 days' worth of evidence.) But in this case the jury dedicated just 20 minutes for 2 weeks' worth of evidence? That's two minutes of deliberation for each day of the trial, without them taking loo/cigarette/lunch breaks. The only thing this proves to me is that trial by jury is a complete lottery.

    Sorry to hijack your thread, WEDID, I just felt I ought to point this out, as we have a number of members who are genuine survivors, yet their attackers were acquitted/not charged.
    Last edited by Saffron; 27 April 2010, 01:18 PM. Reason: can't do sums!


    • #32
      LS and Casehardened. Im sorry to say that the recordings she made were done from her mobile phone. It was an old phone that i didnt know she had. I am using an old mobile now, the police have my touch screen super dooper one. I have looked at the phone im using now and it too has the same function. I can record a conversation whilst im on the phone to someone, this is what she has done. I have all of my text messages backed up by my provider. I didnt realise you could do this, however the ex, in her bid to control everything in my life activated this function (even though she was reading every text message i sent or recieved she still continued to accuse me of cheating on her). She admited to me that she had done this after a female friend of mine and me started to get very abusive text and text about our every move. The ex even turned up to a bar i was drinking in and said she guessed i was there even though i had never been to the town before. Im collating all text and phone calls on the computer so its easy to read and you can see the flow as it were. Im still wondering if the undated and untimed text could be used in evidence. To be honest they can use what they want as i can answer or rebuff any thing they want to throw at me. All ive got to do is carry on telling the truth.


      • #33
        I got it, you mean she's used the dictaphone/voice memo on her mobile to record you talking to her on the landline for example. For a moment I thought you meant you rang her mobile and she used her mobile to record the convo she was having on that mobile. That's where I got it wrong, doh!
        RF's your person on the admissable item criteria, sorry. I'd be guessing if I answered.
        Last edited by LS; 27 April 2010, 09:51 PM.


        • #34
          No, she used the record function on her mobile to record whilst she was talking to me on her mobile. Im still not too sure about the use of untimes and undated evidence, can it be used??
          Ive been having a pretty **** couple of days. Not long until the trial and although i and my legal team are sure of an aquital i still have days where i realise im in the middle of all of this because of a bitter twisted individual. Im not guilty of anything that she has said and i could spend a long time in prison if 12 people fall for her manipulation and lies. My life will be over, i live for my daughter and not seeing her or being in her life, i might as well be dead. Its something i thought about, and i never thought that i would ever start to think about killing myself, if i go to prison convicted of rape i feel its the only option because my life will be over. She has achieved what the taliban failed to do. I love my daughter so so much and i miss her like crazy, why the **** is this woman doing this to our daughter, im a fantastic Dad. I feel so low right now.


          • #35
            Hi, well I'm surprised a mobile phone can record a conversation while it's being used to speak on. Every phone I've ever used cuts the call to be able to access the record function.
            Being convicted - the worst case scenario - is not as bad as we think. Yes, there's the constant feeling of being wrongly convicted, but it's not the conviction which is worse - it's the feeling of not being able to undo the unjustness of it, and being labelled as something you're not.
            I was convicted of the worst thing possible in this day and age, and I'm still here (just). I've lost my son too, though that's mostly because I wouldn't want to give the SS any more chances to tell lies about me.
            What I'm saying is that you're concentrating on the absolute worst thing possible, which may not ever happen. For all you know the jury will see through her lies and you'll be acquitted. Even if it doesn't, you still have a life to live. Don't give up, nothing is worth throwing it away for.


            • #36
              try to talking to the Samaritans if you're that low - talk to anyone, but don't talk about killing yourself.

              How you're feeling is natural for anyone in your position. If you die everyone will assume that you've done it because you're guilty - how do you think that will affect your child? Imagine her having to live with that for the rest of her life. Can you do that to her??

              Prove to everyone just what a good man and father you are - by standing tall, holding your head high and making sure everyone can see you're the innocent man you are.
              And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


              • #37
                The phone/SIM should have a record of the date and time of the call(s).
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #38
                  The CPS have dragged their heels so much it unreal!! Why will nothing happen to them, they have totally ignored the judges' orders and nothing will get done. No forensics' have been sent away, no photos taken no nothing just her still saying she said no. This is not a rape trial, its a trial of my character. Ive been accused of DV in the past, arrested and NFA'ed, all because of her bitter twisted and evil revenge she had planned because i wouldnt get back with her. Ive not seen my daughter since november and every day its killing me more and more. The bloodey recordings are hanging over me like a storm cloud, still not sure if they can be used if undated and untimed, its just arguing down the phone but jesus i sound like a totall idiot in the way i talk to her. All of my friends have said not to worry about them, as much as i say idiotic thing she is giving it back to me. How many of you reading this have had a row and then thought "did i really just say that" i think we've all been there? Hope its all going well for others out there!!


                  • #39
                    and its my bloody birthday today, ****in awesome, another birthday with out seeing my daughter!!!!


                    • #40
                      Hi WDIED,

                      You mentioned (back in post #8) that the trial was a couple of months away, is it now imminent or has it been put back?

                      You've been worried all along about what the jury's reaction would be if it goes to trial, just take a step back and look at this dispassionately.

                      Your accuser is not a minor, and you are not in a position of trust over her. You've been in a serious relationship with her (your daughter being living proof of this) but now that you've split up you've had loud arguments (as long as you didn't actually hit her I'm inclined to say "so what?")

                      If it comes to a trial your barrister should be able to hammer the point that the rape allegation may have been made to gain control in the custody issue as you were previously in a loving relationship with consensual sex.

                      Having said all this, I appreciate that, at the moment, the underlying issue is that you're missing your daughter, however one step at a time, first you must clear your name and only then tackle the matter of access.
                      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                      • #41
                        I echo what CH has said - it's no good trying to second guess anything at this time.

                        The outcome of the case will have a bearing on access, so one thing at a time.

                        (birthdays are over-rated!!)
                        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                        • #42
                          Thanks so much. Thing is i had a contact order, 3 weeks before the allegation i was granted full contact with my daughter, weekends, christmas, birthdays, long weekends etc. All achieved off my own back because i had no money for a legal team. I believe the allegation was made for a number of reasons. She hates the fact that i was getting on with my life, i did want to get back with her so we could be a family but if she had said no then i would have been grown up about it and took it on the chin. She was telling me, even on the day of the allegation she wanted us to get back together but would find it hard explaining to her family and friends she had lied to them about the DV allegations. She says all the time, in her 999 call, statements, interview that she feels the police have done nothing, even that one officer became over friendly with me thats why i was NFA'ed, i only met the woman twice and the first time she was reading me my rights and putting me through an interview!! There is no evidence to back up her claims of this long history of DV, no marks, no GP visits, no A&E, what she is claiming would have hospitalised me and im not a small bloke by any account, she would often say in fact that who would they (police) believe, big me or poor little her!!! I was the one that in the time we were together felt her fists, nails, hairbrushes, a soup laddle and even the sky remote. I lost my friends, i left a good job serving my local community because i might have come into contact with females, i changed my full time job to please her, i stopped going to the gym i sold my car and got her one she could drive (Automatic), i had nothing, i could go no where, do nothing, speak to no one with out her say so. My life consisted of treading on egg shells day in day out. She picked up the phone and set out to destroy everything that i have ever worked for in my life, ive done nothing wrong but try and be the best boyfriend i could and the best Dad i could, i might loose everything because of this girl. What will she get? The rest of her life and more than likely a huge "victim" payout if this all goes her way. Rant over!.......for now.

                          PS, trial is in a week.


                          • #43
                            Very best wishes for next week & we will all be there (virtually) for you
                            'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                            • #44
                              Thinking of you, try to keep us informed.


                              • #45

                                Last Wednesday i was aquitted by a jury of 12 (8 women, 4 men) of rape. An allegation made by my former girlfriend, the mother of my 2 year old baby. It took the jury less than 20 minutes to reach a verdict after a trial lasting 4 weeks. I have suffered not seeing my daughter for 8 months, 4 of which were spent on remand the remaining under very strict bail conditions. I was hoping that last Wednesday would be the end but i feel now its just the begining. I must have some sort of renumeration for the months ive not been able to work, the police be made to answer some very important questions and most importantly i must regain my contact with my beautiful baby girl. I would welcome all advice on any of the matters. Now i am free of the worry of the allegation i will do my level best to help and advise other men on how to get through what can only be described as a living hell. Thank you to every one on here who has helped me!!!

