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what happens to someone accused of date rape?

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  • what happens to someone accused of date rape?

    I am very close to someone who was recently accused of date rape. Both parties are college students. I have never had this happen to anyone I know and I am curious about what my close friend should expect. I don't want to go into specifics. What type of evidence will the investigators be looking for in order to prosecute? I know with 100% certainty that this person did not do it. I've known him for 20 years and there is just no way.

    I don't need debate as to whether or not my friend committed this act. I would just like to know what he can expect and if he is convicted, what is he facing?

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Originally posted by unhappy@27th October 2004 - 06:20 PM
    I am very close to someone who was recently accused of date rape. Both parties are college students. I have never had this happen to anyone I know and I am curious about what my close friend should expect. I don't want to go into specifics. What type of evidence will the investigators be looking for in order to prosecute? I know with 100% certainty that this person did not do it. I've known him for 20 years and there is just no way.

    I don't need debate as to whether or not my friend committed this act. I would just like to know what he can expect and if he is convicted, what is he facing?

    Thank you.
    Hello Unhappy.

    I really do feel for you and your friend, having been through a similar ordeal myself. Has your friend actually been arrested, or charged? If the allegation has been reported to the police it is likely he will be arrested, if he hasn't been already. The police will then examine him and question him over the accusation. the likelihood is that he will then be released on bail until the police decide whether to charge him or not.

    While the police will be looking for forensic evidence, they will also be examining your friend's version of events. Unfortunately they do not need corroborating evidence to press charges - the accuser's word is enough. They do not even need to be able to prove that intercourse took place. If they feel that there is any reason to disbelieve any aspect of your friend's version of events, the likelihood is that they will press charges. Rape is an exceptionally serious allegation, and it can carry a life sentence, although rape terms usually start at about 7 to 8 years. Even if your friend has never been in trouble with the police before, they can still press charges based on one person's word.

    The best thing your friend can do is to get himself a seriously good solicitor - one who specialises in the defence of people accused of sex crimes. Don't just accept the first one he calls - he needs to do his research and make sure the one he appoints has a proven track record in this field. Don't trust that common sense will prevail - as I said before, nowadays the CPS CAN press charges based on one person's word against another. And when/if the case goes to trial, your friend will be at an immediate disadvantage - the jury will almost certainly believe the alleged "victim" before they believe him. They will think "why is she here today if he didn't rape her?"

    If your friend is convicted, he will certainly go to prison. When this happened to my husband we thought it was too ludicrous for words, and that eventually someone would see how ridiculous it all was, and call the whole thing off. sadly they didn't, and he is now serving a prison sentence for something he didn't do.

    Your friend is lucky to have you to support him, and to believe him unquestioningly. Don't underestimate the importance of your friendship to him, it will be invaluable to him. You need to stay strong and offer him as much love and support as you can.

    If there is anything I can do to help you, please feel free to email me or post a reply here.

    Good luck,



    • #3
      hi dear unhappy everything saffron has said take on board hows she's wrote it is how it will be your friend if charged is in serious trouble even tho he didn't do it be warned he is going to go through hell and back i just hope and pray for his sake that she comes forward with the truth if you need any help there are a lot of people on here who will support you and your friend good luck and take care luv maria x

