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What now??

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  • What now??

    my partner of a long time who i have a family with was suddenly accused of a random rape on a women. the evidence on which he was convicted with was later used to clear his name. our family have been to hell and back. luckily for him i had no doubts whatsoever that he could be guilty of such a thing even thogh the so called evidence was supposed 2 be failproof. he self harmed due to the pressure. how do we get our lives back after such a trauma???????????

  • #2
    Hello shocked, I'm not sure that you ever will get the life you had before. It's a thing that shakes you and your lives to the very core. It changes you to such an extent that your whole mindset is twisted.

    Your trust in people will take a very long time to recover, if ever. I don't think people realise just how much something like this affects not just your life, but those of your friends and family too.

    Everything you believed in - justice and truth - is removed and what it leaves in its place isn't easy to come to terms with.

    But you've already done the hard part - you've stuck together and got through this nightmare. The trite sayings of move on, put it behind you and give it time - really will come in to play.

    Just be there for one another and talk about it now and again, don't bottle it up - but don't let it rule your lives any more now.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      One thing I found helpful, which may also help you and your partner, is counselling. Your own gp should be able to refer you to a counsellor with your Primary Care Trust. Also, some churches run counselling services.

      Time helps, but it doesn't heal, I found. It's the whole range of emotions one goes through as well which is quite exhausting, which is why counselling may help.

