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streesed out badley and lossing it

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  • streesed out badley and lossing it

    i have been accused of rape and drugging a girl. it all started when i went to a bar with a friend and her friend. me and my friend had 5 shots of hard liqour and her friend had about 2 1/2 of drinks. on the way home from the club back to our city which is about an hour drive my friend sat in the back seat and i drove with her friend in the front passenger side.after about 5 min. from driving my friend fell asleep. not more than 5 min later her friend reached over and grabbed my penis. she kept telling me she wanted to have sex with me. now what she dident know was me and my friend were sleeping together already as friends with benefits. now when her friend was coming on to me she would suck on my neck which ended up leaving 2 hickeys on my neck. everytime she said she wanted to have sex i ask her if she was sure. she would always reply yes. it wasent 50 min. later when she unzipped my pants and pulled out my penis and started to perform oral sex on me. i finally gave in. we had sex and after about 20 min. she said it started to hurt. i pulled out and got off her. she than hugged me and kissed me. the next day she screamed rape. filed a complaint 8 hours later. the police did not get ahold of me till 4 days later. i went down and gave a statement and was arrested that day. i was not given a phone call. i did 2 months in county jail and was released due to the fact that the lead investigater was having surgery and the d.a. wanted to wait for her. so i was o.r. the alledge victim has changed her story already once. in fact most her statement is a lie. the police switched up my words and really made me look bad. thier is no d.n.a the rape kit found no force or trauma. my pre-limanary is april 9. i had a good job and have never been convicted or accused of a crime. i'm 29 years old. they are telling me im looking at prison time. plus the police never went and got any tapes to disclaim her story cause the places she said we were at we were never there. im about to have to register as a sex offender for nothing. one more thing i have heard from a friend that knows her she has done this before. im trying to find the other guy.i have nightmares mostly i dont sleep that much. this happened in october. any feedback i would appreciate

  • #2
    You need to find a support group in the US as laws here in the UK are completely different.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      dident know

      ok i just googled and thought it was all american


      • #4
        That's ok illusion - if we could help we would have done. Good luck.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #5
          Just to let you know, Illusion, I have moved this thread the FA section.

