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Falsely convicted .. any distinction?

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  • #31
    the not agreeing bit was a joke, sorry,

    if there is any doubt at all I *believe* that they both have a case conference with the investigating police officer (hopefully Rights Fighter will correct me if I'm wrong) to come to a common cause.

    Reading your first post again, it sounds like the police were very sympathetic to you.
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


    • #32
      I got that impression too. My older sister,m who was a bit of a 'chav@ in her younger years, knows a lot of people who have been arrested for various reason, usually a bit of drunken disorderly but she seems to think that if they had any belief that i was a rapist theres no way they'd stay 3 hours after their shift to give me a lift home. i was also given tracksuit and t-shirt and pumps to go home with and a friend of mine said when her ex partner was arrested for ABH and he denied he'd done anythin wrong he was sent out of the station at 2am in his paper jumpsuit and told to make his own way home.
      Am i reading too much into their being as nice as they were to me or is it a good sign?


      • #33
        Originally posted by macdougal View Post
        Am i reading too much into their being as nice as they were to me or is it a good sign?
        It's great that you're feeling positive but remember that the police collect the information and evidence and the decision whether to prosecute lies with the CPS. However I'm sure that, officially or unofficially, the CPS will ask the investigating officer their opinion if they're not sure themselves, so if the police still seemed friendly after they'd finished interviewing you, it sounds good.
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


        • #34
          cheers casehardened!
          Anyway back to the point in hand, sorry to take this away from you broken, this is your thread afterall.

          Thoughts are with as im sure are the thoughts of everyone whos read you situation.

          Get back in and continue with your questions or comments


          • #35
            Good for u Macdougal, i agree you do have to fight to clear your name. Something as important as this needs to be rectified.

            It is strangely comforting to know that what myself and my partner is feeling now has been felt by so many other people an that its not just us going through this hell. I had no idea that places like this existed but i can tell ya now that im really glad they do!!

            Casehardened - Yes she has got to answer bail on this date. Ive never been in any sort of trouble with the police before and not really known anyone who had so how this process works exactly has been a complete mystery but it is now however making sense somewhat. I had no idea that we may not have our answer on this date so atleast i am aware now and can possibly prepare for that.

            So what actually happens WHEN she goes for her bail date, what can i expect to happen when we get there?!... Will she be in there long?!... Will i be able to be in there with her when they have an answer?!... Will she be arrested?!...



            • #36
              I was the same as you broken. Thought I'd be alone on this one too. It is good to hear about other peoples experiences and knowing were not alone helps in, as you say, a strange way.

              from what ive read i get the impression there are 3 possibilities come the bail date,
              1. the case is a no further action
              2. she'll be charged and have to go to court to make her plea, then a decision will be made whether she is granted bail or kept in remand til court
              3. Bail is extended further because they need to make more enquiries

              I'm also under the impression that if the case has gone to the cps prior to bail date then the third isnt applicable and it will be charged or nfa'd

              and so i know my fate is either or now, there wont be any bail extension, whish is a relief in sorts as it means i have only 2 eventualities to prepare for


              • #37
                Originally posted by BROKEN View Post

                So what actually happens WHEN she goes for her bail date, what can i expect to happen when we get there?!... Will she be in there long?!... Will i be able to be in there with her when they have an answer?!... Will she be arrested?!...

                Hi, as Macdougal said it's difficult at this moment to tell what will happen when she returns to answer bail. Was her PC or laptop seized for forensic examination; this can take months for non-critical cases and lead to delay and bail extensions.

                If she was originally arrested before being cautioned she won't be re-arrested on returning to answer bail as she is deemed to be still under arrest, i.e. in police detention, from the first time.

                The police will only re-arrest if fresh evidence for a further offence comes to light during the enquiries.

                I obtained this info a while back from the horse's mouth, as it were, a very useful site run by the police themselves. If the answer to a question can't be found through the search facility, they will reply to an email enquiry. (Obviously they won't comment on actual cases only generalities)

                'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                • #38
                  Thank u for your responses, much appreciated, i now have an idea of wot to expect when her bail date does arrive. I hope u get ur NFA Macdougal, fingers crossed mate!!

                  Her pc was not taken for forensic examinatation, or atleast it wasnt i dont know if it has been now as shes still not really talking to me at the moment They seized her mobile when she was arrested an told of what she was being accused of but thats it. Why did they do this, wot are they hoping to find on it?... An can they actually retrieve EVERY single txt ever sent from that sim card if they had long been deleted?!...

                  Also, she was told that this was reported to the police in July of last year so why has it taken them 6months to even question her for her side of the story?!.. Is this normal cos i find this very very strange!! Surely if they truly belived that she was this awful predator wudnt they have arrested her long before now and actually when it was reported?!...



                  • #39
                    Hi Broken

                    My own opinion is that 6-8 months ago the police wouldn't have given much thought as to this claim's validity. However, since then there's been the Plymouth scandal, and women also being possible abusers has come to the fore and being taken more seriously now.

                    I could be wrong, but that's my thought.

                    Most mobiles use Symbian software, which is not unlike any other pc software. When a text or anything else is deleted, it doesn't leave the phone per se, it's the same for pc's. People don't realise that when you delete something, you're just putting it in another drawer, not in the rubbish bin for the council to collect. It's always there for forensics to find.
                    They're probably looking for any texts showing signs of a bad relationship between the two, any motive etc etc. They will rarely be looking for anything which could exonerate your partner tho.
                    Last edited by LS; 31 January 2010, 01:49 PM.


                    • #40
                      Great advice from LS and Macdougal. I can't really add anything to the mix on this one, but wanted to welcome you, Broken


                      • #41
                        Hi guys,
                        Thanx for ur post LS an thanx Saffron for the welcome.
                        I've not been on here for a lil while as i've needed a lil breather from thinkin about the whole situation constantly of which now i've had and feel much better.

                        I've also spoken to my partner about this forum of which iv found much support, thank you everyone for that. Im hoping that when she feels ready that she might come and have a look at the help and support that she has that shes not even aware of. I told her that if she has any questions goin around her head then heres the best place to get the answers.

                        She's not heard anything from her solicitor so im taking it as no news is good news really. Im staying positive and am sendin positive thoughts her way that she feels better very soon cos im missing her like mad right now.

                        Still feeling quite useless, really wish i could do more for her.



                        • #42
                          Hi Broken , your partner will get as much support and advice here as she would like. It's a good place to vent - everyone needs to at some point.
                          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                          • #43
                            Hi, I hope everyone is doing ok.

                            My partner is set to go to her bail hearing around the beginning of March (if it doesn't get put back that is) so what i wanted to know was what is her solicitor doing whilst we are waiting for this date?... Can my partner phone him and see if he has any information or would he phone her if he had any, or could i phone him?!... All the waiting and not knowing whats being done or happening behind the scenes is doing me in, and my partner is still extremely depressed over all this and doesnt seem to be doing much better than when she left to go to her folks over 3weeks ago.

                            Now i know how hard all this is on her but it is really hard on me too cos im stuck here, miles away from her and shes keepin me at arms length and hardly talking to me. We used to be VERY affectionate with each other, only now, cos she is sooo depressed she cant even bring herself to say anything nice to me... that she misses me, wishes i were there for a cuddle, a kiss on the end of a txt, nothing! Im really beginning to struggle with this, and i dont wanna say anything to her cos i know shes stressed enough but i just need a lil 'something'. I hope that dont come across like im being selfish or anything cos i know that this isnt about me but shes my partner and i love her dearly an not being able to be close to her (in person and through txt) like we used to be is really hard for me, i feel like im loosing her to a black hole, and theres not a thing i can do about it.

                            Still BROKEN


                            • #44
                              oh broken - I can empathise with that. I hope that she's getting medical help, she really does sound as if she needs it.

                              You're doing as much as you can by the sounds of it. When you can't be together it makes it all seem so much worse.

                              I think the only advice I can give is to carry on doing what you're doing and be there for her when she needs you.

                              Phone the sol if you need to know something - there's nothing worse than being left hanging.
                              And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                              • #45
                                Thanks for your words RFLH.

                                She is getting medical help, she was on anti-depressants and sleeping pills at first but now the sleeping pills have been dropped for beta blockers to calm her anxiety and hopefully help her sleep at night. Not had that much affect on her as of yet.

                                I will carry on as I am, afterall its all I can do from where i am, for now
                                Im hoping to get some money together to go up and visit her soon but as i dont drive and am paying all the bills on a house on my own right now finding spare cash is difficult, i will keep trying until i get to see her tho, I just wanna give her a cuddle and tell her that im here and not let her go.

                                Its just sooo hard when the person you care most about in the whole world is just an empty shell of a person and all because of the lies of a stupid little girl. I just wanna see my lady smile again and see that twinkle in her eye.

                                I know my partner has not heard anything from the solicitor so maybe i'll ask her for his contact details and speak to him on her behalf, if i can that is.


