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Falsely convicted .. any distinction?

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  • #76
    Ive got a friend who's already in a locally established band and he's said whenever we feel ready to we can support his band. He's also doing a local mini tour in about 6 months and we can support his band for every gig on that, so all going well with the CPS ive got a good year to look forward to


    • #77
      oooh - fame! I shall have to get your autograph! You'll have to put up a list of places and some of us could come and see you perhaps!

      You'll have to let us know the names of the bands so we can saw 'we know them'!!
      Last edited by RFLH; 27 February 2010, 11:49 AM. Reason: absentmindedness
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • #78
        I will do RFLH
        We dont have a name yet. In the early stages of the band. Only had 5 sessions and only 2 of them have had all of us together. But we've got several songs sorted out already, and we're going to begin work on a few more of my own songs. Was supposed to have a session tonight but I feel like boiled death, cold and temperature. Not nice


        • #79
          hope you feel better soon - keep us posted on your progress - I want to say I knew you before you won the Mercury prize!!
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #80
            ... and get used to breaking things (therapeutic anger management) for when you have to be at the Brits!
            Last edited by LS; 28 February 2010, 06:09 PM.


            • #81
              Thats Brilliant Macdougal, well done you. I guess i just need to find my "summat" to take my mind off things now.

              Thank you for your words RFLH.

              Its less than 2weeks now until my partners bail hearing and the worry is really stressing my lady out. Iv told her its the easiest thing in the world telling someone not to worry but i do honestly beleive that shes gonna be ok so she needs to try and stay positive.

              The contact is stilll very loose between us both but atleast she still contacts me everyday, for this im thankful and fear i might loose my mind if this changed.

              I was wondering, is there anything myself or my partner can do or should be doing before this bail date arrives upon us or do we just have to wait and see wot happens and then decide a plan of action?!...



              • #82
                I've pm'd you broken
                And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                • #83
                  What I did in the weeks leading upto my first bail date was to ring my solicitor and ask him to contact the police to see if a decision had been made and also to see if the case had actually been sent to the cps. Im 3 weeks away from my second bail date and have spoken to the OIC and she told me she will contact me when a decision is made. Let your know that contacting her solicitor and asking them to make enquiries might be beneficial as you may be given a clue as to what she is facing before she actually answers bail


                  • #84
                    Thanx for the advice Macdougal,

                    I have discussed this with my partner so im hoping that she will call her solicitor either this friday or monday for news as her bail date is Tues 9th and shes gettin very anxious now, as am i - and as she is currently one end of the country and im at the other i need to make arrangements to meet her in the middle which is where shes gotta attend her bail so the more info that shes given the better really.



                    • #85
                      My partners solicitor phoned her yesterday and told her that her bail dates been put back 4weeks. Now im trying to think positively about this as it must mean they havent enough evidence for it to go to the CPS yet, am i right in thinking that this may be the case?!...

                      Feeling very BROKEN today


                      • #86
                        It's always best to be mentally prepared for the worst so it's not such a shock IF that happens, but...

                        the police are supposed to charge as soon as the CPS think there is enough evidence for a conviction so I think, if they are not still waiting for evidence from forensics, delays are hopeful
                        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                        • #87
                          Thanks Casehardened.

                          I havent heard anything about waiting on forensics so i do not think that this is the case...



                          • #88

                            Have you ever tried to appeal the conviction? Just interested that's all.
                            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                            PAFAA details ~


                            • #89
                              Yes I tried to when I was in prison. The solicitors I had at trial were **** - wouldn't accept advice/input/questions, and to an extent I was just a passenger. Although the barrister they instructed was lovely, unfortunately I later found out she was from the same Chambers who I had a falling-out with years ago on another matter. Ethically they shouldn't have represented me under a conflict of interests.
                              When in prison I changed solicitors (to one of the biggest prison law firms) and everything I asked them to do was parried by the barrister they asked for advice from. The problem is that the law does not recognise that someone can use their daughter as a mouthpiece to give credibility to a false accusation. If you are the parent of a teenage daughter, your male friends should rightly be worried that if they fall out with you, you can use her to commit lawful murder. That is what they have done to me - they have killed my life, my career, my future, my relationships, my public life and my private life. The only difference is that I am still breathing, but in every other respect it is murder.

                              I asked them to challenge the conviction based on the lies the other parties were shown to have committed - they were all caught out IN COURT, yet the jury conveniently ignored the lies. No, can't challenge that as a ground of appeal. The judge made comments when the where/when/how was under debate when the "victim" was caught out lying, the judge said "I don't care where it's supposed to have happened." That wasn't challenge-able either. The fact that the other parties were caught lying in court wasn't useable as a ground, nor was the fact they were themselves in court the week after my conviction, and were accused of lying IN COURT by another Government department.

                              So, yes I've tried to get it in front of an appeal court but without success. The fact is the establishment isn't interested. They damned well will be when I go to print with all of the evidence I have. Every shred of paperwork from the trial, photos, internet evidence, tape recordings. The lot.
                              I long ago came to the conclusion this country and its legal system are CORRUPT. For it to be not so, then truth, honesty and justice should be their FIRST interest, not just getting an innocent person a conviction.

                              I'd like to add that genuine victims, as on another thread, get on with their lives as best they can. When you're in the situation I'm in, you cannot do that because it's not a one-time event. The damage is ongoing, every day. It is akin to someone Falsely Accusing you on a daily basis, I feel. To be classed as a Paedophile when you are not one, is the worst thing that can happen these days and you can not "get over it", because it affects every aspect of your life. No one will ever employ you, you are constantly monitored both in life and online, police turn up unannounced whenever. I can't even go out for a walk in case I pass by a public park (could be accused of loitering) or a school (newspapers could take surreptitious photo of you and claim you're hanging around schools. It is the worst life possible.
                              Last edited by LS; 15 March 2010, 07:08 PM. Reason: adding


                              • #90
                                I review cases for appeal and I can tell you that CA will not entertain a re-run of the trial. So therefore the lies that the jury accepted were heard by the jury and we cannot go behind the decision the jury made.

                                There are lots of rules as to what is admissible and what is not.

                                When you can get your head around "the rules" is when you can start looking for other arguments. Too many people believe that if they rip the case to shreds and prove that the accusers lied, an appeal will succeed.

                                That is not the case. How the judge summed up the evidence and directed the jury on those inconsistencies is another matter and can sometimes produce grounds for appeal.

                                What year were you convicted?
                                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                                PAFAA details ~

