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Threatening To accuse of rape

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  • Threatening To accuse of rape

    I have been with my partner 22 years. She recently told me she doesnt love me anymore and do not wish for us to be together anymore, i have recently discovered this to be the reason of her having an affair with another man but it has not been sexual yet as i know of.
    I am currently still living at the same address but have not had any sexual intercourse with her for over 2 weeks. She is alowing me and my son to stay here untill we both find somewhere else to live (we have 2 months max).
    Its hard to avoid any sort of dispute or stand up for myself when she constantly trys to have a verbal dispute of telling me to leave, as she keeps bringing up that she will kick me and my son out or accuse me of rape if i carrying on argueing back.
    I have read other posts but feel this one slightly differs.
    Knowing the type of person she is, i have a strong suspicision that one day she may go through with it if i argue back or take my belongings with me when i leave.
    I know some responses will be get away as fast as you can but its not as simple as that. I am asking what can i do in the situation to try and cover myself just incase she did falsely acusse me.
    Many Thanks..

  • #2
    When the police interview accusers about 'historic' offences one of the lines of enquiry is to ask if the 'victim' told anyone at the time they allegedly occurred.

    My first thought is that you could turn this around and tell a close friend about the relationship problems and the threats she is making now before she actually goes to the police. Get them to make a note in their diary as to the date you told them,this will establish that the accusation was premeditated.

    Hopefully the threats won't come to anything but you must be prepared.
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


    • #3
      Proof of false accusation.

      Do carry out the suggestion by Casehardened but I also suggest you carry a pocket size digital recoder (not a tape as it makes too much sound).
      Pop into your local shop & see if you can find a digital recorder which you can operate while in your pocket & will not be noticed (makes no beep sounds).

      This will provide solid evidence that she is lying if she were to report such a claim, most importantly though, don't have sex with her.

