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need help and advice please

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  • The problem is - your sol is right to pre-empt what the Crown might say. Better to know that so you can come back with an answer they cannot reply to than be surprised at trial.

    Is this in reference to lies that go to the heart of the allegations or just lies in general and info that shows she's promiscuous?
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • Dear Needhelp. First off you are NOT a moaner! If you can't let off steam here, where can you? One way or another we have all been in similar situations and have some idea of how you are feeling. What makes it harder is knowing your accuser is getting on with her life quite happily , whilst yours seems to being falling apart around you. IT'S JUST NOT FAIR. Please try to stay strong, I know that it's difficult but hopefully this will all be over with before much longer and you will get the right result. You are in my thoughts and prayers


      • well i hd a meeting with my barriester last night and we ran over all the stuff tha ben put forward from my side and i,ve been told this and that....and i asked him point blank what my chance's are.

        he has told me i have a 95% chance of going to jail

        he said if i admit i had sex with them that i,am looking at between 3-7 years or if i keep telling the truth and NOT admit it i,am looking at a starting point of 15 years and they will add 5 more years becasue i,ve had to put the vics though a trail and that there will be a team that looks in to it and will deem me as un-safe to the gen puplic witch could had more time on again ....long story short i could be sen down for 20-25 years.

        sorry i know it may look easy to some to think 3-7 is nothing when ya look at 25 years...but i just ant do it i really cant i a not admit to some thing i have never done i cant.

        so i,am left with 4 options here
        option 1 stick to my guns and hope the jury see this for what it is a lie made up by these little bas***s and have a chance of going to jail for 25 years

        option 2 admit to some thing i never did and get 3-7 years.

        option 3 go and murder them and get less time in jail and know i,ve removed these little scm bags from the world so other poor people will never get there live's messed up via them.

        option 4 take my own life and end it all NOW.

        i'am happy for all the info i have been giving on this site and thank all thats tried to help. its good to know there are afew real people in this world that know about the pain false stuff like hurts.

        so thanks all once again and sorry to have ranted on now and in the past to you all.


        • One case a couple of years back -- the barrister told the defendant (he was 14 at the time) to plead guilty as he was going down. He refused to do that and was found not guilty.

          Also, if you plead guilty now and you are convicted, you will have no chance of appealing that conviction later on should new evidence come to light - or EVEN - if the judge stuffs up his summing up which can be grounds to appeal, or if the police withhold evidence.

          What you choose to do is entirely up to you. I know what I would do if I thought there was the slimmest chance of appealing. As y ou've not been to trial then you do not know if the judge will stuff up, or that the police have withheld evidence.

          I would also question the solicitor's choice of barrister. Contact a senior partner at the sols firm and tell them that you feel you are being bullied into a guilty plea and that you wish to change your barrister.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • I was in that same situation four years ago. RF is right - if you plead guilty to something you didn't do, then any chance of appealing it will have gone forever.

            In my situation, I was charged with fingering (for want of a better description) and unlawful sex. During the trial, the prosecution barrister attempted to barter with me via my barrister. The offer was that if I pleaded guilty to the fingering, then they would drop the main charge.

            I thought about it for all of ten (micro)seconds before telling them where to stick it, and how far up. Had I taken up their offer in an attempt to get a lesser sentence, there was no guarantee. So I could have gone guilty for something I didn't do, had the mental anguish of What If, and would've kissed goodbye to any chance of ever clearing my name. I got four years when the jury came back with guilty on everything.

            Had I done the deal, I probably would have gotten 4 years for the fingering anyway, knowing my luck.

            The point I make is that if you are innocent, you should stick to it. They can take away your freedom, but they cannot take away the truth, but bartering away the truth will hurt you more in the long term.


            • Well put LS!! Very succinct!
              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

              PAFAA details ~


              • Sorry for the succinctness, but if I just put "sexual activity" it could be anything!


                • I said "succinct" and not "explicit" for a reason you silly sod! If you are not careful I shall pay you a visit and pull your ears!
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • Oh I wish someone would. Getting sick of hearing in mono.


                    • Well come to the appeal on the 20th and I'll see what I can do!! Or Miscarriages of Justice Day on 9th October!
                      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                      PAFAA details ~


                      • cheers all for the replys and info ..

                        ok it all starts monday so just trying to finish off getting things that may help in court.

                        does any one know of a web site i can print stuff off that shows statisitcis of the boom of young girls crying rape?

                        also any case's were its been shown that they have lied for many reason like :attention/money/jealous and so on.

                        as one of the main things that the cps are saying is these girl's are too young to have come up with a story, i.e young girls dont lie.
                        thanks once again.


                        • as one of the main things that the cps are saying is these girl's are too young to have come up with a story, i.e young girls dont lie.

                          They bloody do when there's a motive (like money) or a parent with said motive and the means to coerce.

                          RF's your best hope viz sites and statistics, but I don't think what you're looking for is readily available. Although many many cases are down to motive - money, revenge, getting one over - the system doesn't recognise that it happens. Even though I and my family and friends and mutual acquaintances all knew and could see that the accusations against me was yet another act in the vendetta my accuser's dad has waged against me for more than two decades, and it was obvious that he had coerced his daughter into accusing me. Even the motive (money) came out in interview, along with the bribe (holiday, tracksuit and £100). However not one person in that court was interested in listening.
                          Good luck, whatever you choose to do. Keeping fingers crossed for you.
                          Last edited by LS; 2 October 2010, 12:06 PM.


                          • Just wanted to say that I will be thinking of you on Monday.
                            remember to talk to the jury, not the barrister. Wear smart clothes; have a shave, and if you feel you are going to cry, don't hold back - it shows you are human. Answer every question politely and not defensively, and whatever you do, try not to come across as arrogant. Try to express your revulsion at the crime you are accused of. This is largely a question of who the jury believe, so you MUST be absolutely credible.
                            Let us know how it goes. Good luck


                            • No amount of statistics will prove that this alleged offence did not happen.

                              However , here is a link to story that proves that very young children can lie and not only lie, but make up convoluted stories to support the lie.


                              A crime that shocked Britain - but now police say it never happened

                              The girl had given a detailed account of the supposed attack at her home in Basildon on March 23. She claimed the attacker crept into her family house on the Craylands estate and made his way to her bedroom, where she was sleeping with two friends. As her mother and siblings slept in a nearby room she claimed she was raped.

                              The girl gave a striking description of a young man with scruffy hair and dirty teeth who wore loose striped trousers with a metal loop or chain hanging from the belt. She even described a distinctive gold ring which she said had the word "Boys" or "Boyz" written on it, a detail which led police to wonder whether the attacker was a gang member.
                              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                              PAFAA details ~


                              • just to let you know my thoughts will be with you on monday. Stay strong

